Resilient Colorado Virtual Teacher Workshop

Resilient Colorado Virtual Teacher Workshop

We invite secondary earth and environmental science, civics, and social studies teachers to learn a new place-based, NGSS-aligned science curriculum on natural hazards. The curricular unit includes a lesson on natural hazards (wildfire, flood, or drought) that uses current Colorado case studies and local datasets, a scenario-based role-play game, and a project-based learning unit for students to take action to make their community more resilient. Instructional strategies include community-engaged learning, gamification, and design thinking.

Coursework will be available to complete at your own pace over the 3 weeks, with three virtual class meetings on Tuesdays (June 11, 18 & 25) from 10-11:30 MST.  If you are unable to attend the zoom meetings, we will record and post them on the course website. You won’t be docked any points for missing them.

Upon completion, attendees will receive 2 continuing education credits through the University of Colorado Boulder. Registration costs are free for Colorado educators. Educators from outside Colorado are welcome to attend at no cost if they do not want to receive credit. If educators from outside Colorado would like to attend and receive 2 credits, the cost is $180.  

The CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation team at CU Boulder developed the curriculum that is part of a program called the Hazard Education Awareness and Resilience Task (HEART) Force, funded by a NOAA Environmental Literacy Grant. It is designed specifically for rural Colorado classrooms to increase students’ understanding of natural hazards and community preparedness and encourage students to take action to increase their community’s resilience to natural hazards. The grant covers registration for this course and provides an optional stipend for teachers who would like to teach the curriculum and hold a community resilience expo in their community. Expect to dig into local issues relevant to your community and learn from educators from around the state in a growing community of practice! 

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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