Lesson Plans & Activities
Cascading Hazards
This is the second of four lessons in the Lake County Cascading Hazards unit.
In the second lesson of the Lake County Cascading Hazards unit, students dig into local stories and datasets, and learn about the connections between natural hazards.Lesson
STEAM Activity
Middle School
High School
Watershed Stewardship Patch Activity
Earn a We Are Water Patch by becoming familiar with your local watershed!
We can be good watershed stewards by taking positive actions that will help to ensure the watershed’s healthy functions. In this activity, students learn how to be good watershed stewards and become familiar with their local watershed through observation, positive action, and community engagement.Scout Patch/Badge
STEAM Activity
Action Project
Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Actividad del parche sé protector de la cuenca | Watershed Stewardship Patch Activity
Earn a We Are Water Patch by becoming familiar with your local watershed!
We can be good watershed stewards by taking positive actions that will help to ensure the watershed’s healthy functions. In this activity, students learn how to be good watershed stewards and become familiar with their local watershed through observation, positive action, and community engagement.Scout Patch/Badge
STEAM Activity
Action Project
Elementary School
Middle School
High School