CLEAN STEM Flash: Human Health & Resiliency
CLEAN STEM Flash: Arctic Change
CLEAN STEM Flash: Create Units Using CLEAN
CLEAN STEM Flash: Climate & Energy Education
CLEAN STEM Flash: Hurricanes
CLEAN STEM Flash: Stronger Storms

2021 CLEAN Webinar Series: Strategies for Integrating Climate Science into the Elementary Classroom

This webinar provides strategies for elementary teachers to integrate climate science into their classroom. Teachers will explore how to breakdown this complex and controversial topic, teach it across disciplines, make it culturally relevant, use it to inspire curiosity, and motivate students to develop climate change solutions.

Presented by Alicia Christensen, Tiffany Boyd, and Rae Han.

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Webinar Series Home Page

2021 CLEAN Webinar Series: Teaching Climate Consequences with CLEAN

The consequences of climate change are all around us, unfortunately. How can we teach these topics without overwhelming our students or causing anxiety? In this webinar, climate communicator Karin Kirk will share strategies for building connections between cause and effect, showcasing solutions, and using local approaches to make science relevant and inspiring. All the teaching tools highlighted in this webinar are appropriate for online teaching.

2021 CLEAN Webinar Series: The UC Berkeley Understanding Global Change Project and CLEAN

The Understanding Global Change (UGC) Project at the University of California Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley developed a suite of online and interactive learning materials that support educators and students to explore the Earth as an interconnected, dynamic system. The UGC resources, co-designed with classroom teachers and leaders in climate education, are integrated with research-based teaching practices that utilize modeling of phenomena to make learning visible, and support the investigation of local and global actions that reduce human impacts on global environments.

2021 CLEAN Webinar Series: Humans as agents of change within Earth's climate system

Human impacts on the climate system are becoming increasingly evident, moving climate change from a topic that is abstract and faraway to one that is right before our eyes. It's our job to help students learn about our role in altering the climate, but it's important to do so in a way that's constructive and solutions-oriented. Educational materials from the CLEAN collection can help you navigate this essential topic.

Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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