Brandon Wolding

Brandon Wolding


Brandon Wolding, part of the Atmosphere-Ocean Processes team at the NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory

Brandon Wolding began his work at NOAA PSL as a NOAA Climate and Global Change fellow in 2018, investigating the role of moisture in convective coupling. In August of 2020 he joined the Atmosphere-Ocean Processes team, helping develop process-oriented diagnostics aimed at improving model representation of organized tropical convection. His previous work includes examining how tropical-extratropical interactions will change in a warming climate, furthering understanding of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), and the role of air-sea interactions in the MJO. Brandon first worked for NOAA as an observer biologist aboard longline tuna and swordfish boats in the Hawaiian and American Samoan fisheries.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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