Hailee Nolan
Project Title: Modeling Downstream Changes: A Lagrangian Study of Sediments and Microbial Communities Along Powder River in Wyoming and Montana.
Mentors: Jennifer Underwood and John Moody, USGS and Center for Water, Earth Science and Technology
Bio: Jennifer Underwood and John Moody, USGS and Center for Water, Earth Science and Technology Bio: Hailee is a Colorado native from Fort Collins. She has also lived in Rye, Colorado and Colorado Springs, but she is currently living in her hometown again. She has a long-term love for the environment that started with an insect obsession at a young age. With this passion, she hopes to acquire as much knowledge as possible during her education experience and use that knowledge to give back to our planet and community. Her environmental interests show through in her hobbies as well such as camping, hiking with her dog Zylah and art forms like drawing, metalsmithing and pottery.
After entering college completely undecided and experiencing wonderful instructors with interest in some science classes, Hailee graduated from Front Range Community College in Larimer County with her Associate of Arts degree. She will be attending Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, in the fall with a major in Geology and a minor in Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. She is currently working at the USGS for the summer and is still exploring a specific career path to optimize a positive impact on the environment.
View a short 90-second elevator speech.