Izze Marler

Izze Marler


Mentors: Melisa Diaz and Briana Prado

Bio: Izze was born and raised in Colorado and will be transferring from Red Rocks Community College to Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, CO this fall to complete their baccalaureate in Chemistry with a minor in Forensic Anthropology. Afterward, they plan to attend medical school so they may work as a Forensic Pathologist, something Izze has wanted to do for many years. Izze had a career as a medical aesthetician before making the decision to change paths and attend college, learning how to be a student again has been a demanding and exciting experience for Izze. They balance the challenges of being a non-traditional student with an array of hobbies such as playing bass guitar, embroidery, tarantula husbandry, and dancing.

View Izze's elevator speech [YouTube]

View Izze's RECCS 2023 presentation [Youtube]

View Izze's poster [PDF]

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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