James Butts

James Butts


Project Title: Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting: The Gap in Our Ability to Predict Hazardous Weather.

Mentors: Juliana Dias and John Albers, NOAA/ESRL

Bio:  James currently lives in Greeley, Colorado, but grew up in the small town of Byers in eastern Colorado. He enjoys multiple hobbies, such as gaming, computer technologies, reading, running cross country, biking, and swimming.  In addition, he has always enjoyed math and science courses.

James earned his Associates of Science in Biology in Spring 2017, but continued at Northeastern Junior College (NJC) in Sterling, Colorado for a third year to finish up some extra classes. This upcoming Fall 2018 semester, James plans to transfer to the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) in Greeley, Colorado. At UNC, he will pursue a bachelor's degree in both Biology and Software Engineering. What he plans to do after graduating is unknown, but he may attempt to become an Optometrist or a Microbiologist. 

View a short 90-second elevator speech.

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