Joseph Brown

Joseph Brown


Project Title: GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer with Satellite DinSAR from Sentinel 1A/B at Slumgullion Landslide, Colorado, USA.

Mentors: Mylene Jacquemart and Kristy Tiampo, CIRES/Department of Geological Sciences at CU

Bio: Joseph (Joe) is originally from Florida, but currently resides in Denver, Colorado, and is studying civil/environmental engineering. Directly after high school, he chose to jump into a finance degree program thinking that making as much money as possible would make him happy. After getting into the finance field, he realized that he should follow his interests and passions for the physical sciences rather than just choosing a career for the money. He learned that money will never buy happiness and that sitting behind a desk all day seems like not his way to live his life.

Upon taking more science classes, researching careers, and communicating with others, he is leaning towards a career path in the hydrology side of the engineering world. Joe is very excited about this summer to learn how to do proper research and hopes that this experience will help guide him closer to choosing a niche in the physical sciences.


View a short 90-second elevator speech

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