Kayla Foster
Mentors: Sarah Elizabeth. Katharine Suding, and Amy Dunbar-Wallis
Bio: Kayla Foster recently graduated from San Juan College with an associate in Pre-Pharmacy and is currently returning in the spring to complete her associate in chemistry. She plans to transfer into the Pharmacy program at the University of New Mexico to receive her PharmD degree and a minor in chemistry. Kayla is also interested in oncology research due to her personal experience with her mother’s battle with cancer. Kayla plans to use her degree to give back to her community by working as a pharmacist at an Indian Health Services hospital on or off the reservation. She grew up in the small town of Shiprock, New Mexico on the Navajo Nation Reservation and places emphasis on her family and heritage. Kayla helps her family during the summer with farming and in the winter selling at various bazaars. During her free time, she enjoys reading, cross-stitch, and spending time in nature.
View Kayla's elevator speech [Youtube]
View Kayla's RECCS 2024 presentation [Youtube]
View Kayla's poster [PDF]