Matthew Martinez
Project Title: Drought Stressors and Cattle Grazing Effects on Prairie Grasses and Forbs Reproduction and Growth
Mentor: Thomas Merchant, CU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, INSTAAR
Bio: Matthew was born in and raised in Englewood, Colorado. He Became the first in his family of five to attend college and receive an associates degree from Arapahoe Community College in Computer Science.
During his time at ACC Matthew worked on two space grants from 2019 to 2020 for Colorado Space Grant Consortium on the Wearable Quest Challenge prototyping and designing wearable micro controllers such as a hand gesture communication glove. He also attended an Engineering and Science Delegation to China in the spring of 2019, visiting various sites in china related to STEM such as the Three Gorges Dam, Colleges, and manufacturing plants. From these experiences at ACC, Matthew has become more interested in Aerospace, Engineering, and Geosciences. Matthew is planing to attend CU Boulder this fall to pursue a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering to continue his love of computers and sciences and work in various fields of research and engineering.
View Matthew's elevator speech, poster, and final presentation.