Forest in the fall

Patrick Chandler

Patrick Chandler


Patrick is an Education Specialist for the Climate Literacy Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) and other Cooperative Institute for Environmental Sciences (CIRES) climate education projects. His current focus is developing support and resources for teaching climate change across the curriculum in both science and non-science classrooms. Previously, Patrick designed educator guides and workshops for the CU/United Nations' Right Here Right Now Global Climate Summit (RHRN) centered on helping teachers bring a human rights lens to climate change. Before starting with CIRES, Patrick was the Education Director for the Washed Ashore Project, raising awareness about marine debris through art/science partnership exhibits; taught biology for Kenai Peninsula College; was the International Coastal Cleanup Coordinator for Alaska; and the Special Programs Coordinator for the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. He has over fifteen years working in and developing environmental education, art, stewardship, and science programs and received his Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from CU, Boulder focused on art and science partnerships to catalyze community action on environmental and social justice issues.

  • Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Dissertation title: Creating Art and Science Partnerships to Catalyze Community Action on Environmental and Social Justice Issues, 12/2021
  • Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy from the University of Colorado, Boulder, 2020
  • BA in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College, Santa Fe, 5/2007

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Russell, C., Chandler, P., & Dillon, J. (2023). Editorial: Humour and environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 29(4), 491-499. 

McAllister, L., Daly, M., Chandler, P., McNatt, M., Benham, A., Boykoff, M. (2021). Balance as bias, resolute on the retreat? Updates & analyses of newspaper coverage in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and Canada over the past 15 years. Environmental Research Letters. 16. 094008. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac14eb.

Boykoff, M., Chandler, P., Church, P., & Osnes, B. (2021). Examining climate change and sustainable/fast fashion in the 21st century: ‘Trash the runway’. Oxford Open Climate Change

Pearman, O., Boykoff, M., Osborne-Gowey, J., Aoyagi, M., Ballantyne, A., Chandler, P., Daly, M., Doi, K., Fernández-Reyes, R., Jiménez-Gómez, I., Nacu-Schmidt, A., McAllister, L., McNatt, M., Mocatta, G., Kjerulf Petersen, L., Simonsen, A., Ytterstad, A. (2021). COVID-19 media coverage decreasing despite deepening crisis. The Lancet Planetary Health. 5. e6-e7. 10.1016/S2542-5196(20)30303-X.

Chandler, P., Osnes, B., & Boykoff, M. (2020) Creative Climate Communications: Teaching from the heart through the arts. In J. Henderson & A. Drewes (Eds.), Teaching Climate Change in the United States (pp. 172-185). Routledge.

Osnes, B., Boykoff, M., & Chandler, P. (2019). Good-natured comedy to enrich climate communication. Comedy Studies, 10(2), 224-236. doi:10.1080/2040610X.2019.1623513


Conference and Workshop Presentations

Chandler, P., Boyd, K., Fiorile, G., Gold, A., Christensen, A., Niepold, F., Fox, S., Bruckner, M., Ochwat, N., & Nacu-Schmidt, A. (June 2023). The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). World Café presentation at Rising Voices. Virtual & Boulder, CO. 

Chandler, P. (2022, December 1-4). Bringing together Climate Change and Human Rights in the Classroom [Conference workshop]. Right Here Right Now Global Climate Summit, Boulder, CO

Chandler, P. (2022, December 1-4). Climate Action through Youth Activism and Women's Rights [Session organizer]. Right Here Right Now Global Climate Summit, Boulder, CO

Chandler, P. (2022, August 23). Plastic pollution as a catalyst to art and action. [Invited speaker]. General Electric Days of Knowledge, Online event.

Chandler, P., Osnes, B. (2022, April 25). Students and Professional Comedians Co-Creating Climate Comedy [Conference presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

Chandler, P., Boykoff, M., Osnes, B., Church, P. (2021, May 21). Climate Change and Fast Fashion [Conference poster and presentation]. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences Rendezvous, Boulder, CO 

Chandler, P., Marras Tate, J., German, J., Cook, M., Dietrich, M., & Matochi, C. (2020, February 22-24). Agitating the Classroom: A Workshop on Innovative Environmental Communication, Ethics, and Coping with Grief [Conference workshop]. Western States Communication Association Convention, Denver, CO.

Chandler, P. (2019, December 7-11). A Co-produced Creative Climate Change Curriculum. [Conference presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Chandler, P. (2019, December 7-11). Murals in Motion: Sustaining Hope Through Collective Action and the Arts [Conference workshop]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA

Hayden, T., Abeles, A., Atkin, E., Chandler, P., Trevizo, P. (2019, October 9-12). Beyond False Balance: Social Scientists and Environmental Journalists Tackle the Manipulation of Environmental Stories. [Workshop panel] Society for Environmental Journalism Conference, Ft. Collins, CO.

Hakala, J., Osnes, B., Chandler, P., Goodheart, C. (2019, October 8-9). Integrating Science and Musical Performance to Create Action-Based Curriculum [Conference presentation]. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, Denver, CO.

Chandler, P., Boyd, K., Gold, A., Taylor, J., Lynds, S., Morton, A., Niepold, F., Fox, S., Bruckner, M., Kirk, K., Ledley, T., Manning, C. (2019, July 16-19). The CLEAN Network: Networking and Capacity-Building for Climate Change since 2008 [Conference poster]. Earth Science Information Partners Summer Meeting, Tucson, Arizona

Chandler, P., Osnes, B., Hakala, J., Simpson, C. (2019, May 17). Coproduction of Embodied Climate Curriculum Gains STEAM. [Conference poster] Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences Rendezvous, Boulder, CO 

Chandler, P. (2019, January 15-17). Now Hear This! A FUNding Friday Sonification Project [Conference poster]. Earth Science Information Partners Winter Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland

Mosher, E., Chandler, P., Kirn, M. (2018, December 10-14). Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know about Science-Art-Sustainability Collaborations (but were afraid to ask...). [Conference workshop]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.

Chandler, P., Pozzi, A. (2018, March 12-16). Washed Ashore’s Integrated Arts Marine Debris Curriculum: Combining Art and Science. [Conference presentation] The Sixth International Marine Debris Conference, San Diego, CA.

Chandler, P. (2018, February 10-12). Keynote Presentation on The Washed Ashore Project [Conference presentation]. Youth Ocean Conservation Summit, St. Louis, MO.


Boykoff, M., Aoyagi, M., Ballantyne, A.G., Benham, A., Chandler, P., Daly, M., Doi, K., Fernández-Reyes, R., Hawley, E., McAllister, L., McNatt, M., Mocatta, G., Nacu-Schmidt, A., Oonk, D., Osborne-Gowey, J., Pearman, O., Petersen, L.K., Simonsen, A.H., and Ytterstad, A. (2021). World Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming, 2004-2022. Media and Climate Change Observatory Data Sets. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado.

Boykoff, M., Chandler, P., Nacu-Schmidt, A., and Oonk, D. (2021). World Radio Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming, 2000-2022. Media and Climate Change Observatory Data Sets. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado,

Boykoff, M., Chandler, P., Daly, M., McAllister, L., McNatt, M., Nacu-Schmidt, A., Oonk, D., and Pearman, O. (2021) United Kingdom Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming, 2004-2022. Media and Climate Change Observatory Data Sets. Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado,


Products and Exhibits

The United Nation’s Right Here Right Now Global Climate Summit (RHRN) took place from December 1st-4th at CU Boulder, with a focus on the interconnections between human rights and climate change. I was contracted by the summit leadership team to support K-12 educator engagement and designed an Educator’s Guide to provide resources for teachers and students.

The Co-produced Creative Climate Communication Curriculum- This interdisciplinary project made possible through a partnership between the University of Colorado, and Jefferson County Public schools created a 12-lesson curriculum for the embodied exploration of fossils, energy, and climate for 4th /5th grade students in Colorado and beyond. I was the lead author and co-creator of this work which includes NGSS standards, 2022

Life in the Plasticene - This exhibit, created in partnership with the Arbor Institute, integrates art, ecological science and storytelling to explore the merging streams of life and plastic worldwide. It features photography, films, artifacts, and interviews to consider both the problem of plastic pollution and possible solutions. In addition to creating an exhibit component, I also brought the exhibit partners together and acted as guest curator. July 29th-October 3rd, 2021

The Art and Science Partnership Guidelines- The guidelines provide a 12-stage process for facilitators working to bring scientists, artists, and community representatives together to address environmental and social justice issues in the context of community. Research and creation took place in 2020 and guidelines were piloted in partnership with the University of Colorado Office of Outreach and Engagement and the Boulder County Arts Alliance in 2021.

The Action for Climate Empowerment National Strategy Framework for the United States- As a representative for the CLEAN Network and the Inside the Greenhouse project at CU, Boulder, I worked as a meeting facilitator and editor to help create this framework in 2020/2021.

The Integrated Art Marine Debris Curriculum- The curriculum is a twelve-lesson unit, created with sponsorship from NOAA, designed for fourth through sixth grade students. It provides a unique approach to teaching about science through the arts and offers innovative ways to discuss the issues of marine debris and plastic pollution. I co-designed and wrote this curriculum which engages the following standards for middles school students: NGSS, National Core Art, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, Common Core Language Arts Standards, 2017

Oregon Marine Debris Action Plan- In 2015 and 2016 I worked with stakeholders in Oregon to create an action plan for marine debris cleanup, prevention, and education in the state.

International Coastal Cleanup yearly reports from 2011-2013- In these years, I represented Alaska as the State Coordinator. Full reports can be found here:

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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