Sean Will

Sean Will


Project Title: Hydraulic Condusivity of Beaver Dam and Beaver Pond Soils.

Mentors: Emily Fairfax and Eric Small, CIRES/Department of Geological Sciences at CU

Bio: Born in Seattle, Sean spent his childhood in Florida exploring the wilderness. He has always been fascinated by the natural world and enjoys any activity or work that takes him into the less traveled areas of the country. Since moving to Colorado, he has been determined to find obscure trails and campsites.

Originally a Chemical Engineering major, Sean is currently enrolled at the Community College of Denver (CCD) and is working towards a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and a Water Management and Hydrologic Science concentration from Metro State University (MSU) in Denver. He intends to use this education and the skills obtained through RECCS to jump into a career in environmental studies and hopes to transition from that to teaching at a later point in his career.


View a short 90-second elevator speech.

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