Susannah Rozak

Susannah Rozak


Project Title: Determining Student Engagement in Climate Change Education with the Use of Hand Sensors.

Mentors:  Jen Kay and Ariel Morrison, CIRES/ATOC

Bio: Susannah grew up in a small town in the Sierra Nevada mountains, but after graduating high school began to travel the world. She has lived in five different states and has visited six countries on four continents.  Being able to explore different environments enhanced her appreciation for the natural world and inspired her to go back to school to get a degree that would allow her to share this love of biology and ecology with everyone around her.

Two years ago, she moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, from Honolulu, Hawaii, and began working towards a biology degree at Pikes Peak Community College (PPCC). After getting her associate degree at PPCC, she plans to attend the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs where she will get her Bachelor of Science in Biology.  Her ideal career would be to work for a wildlife rescue organization helping to coordinate public outreach and education through interactive events that would allow the public to learn more about the uniqueness of their local ecosystem. 


View a short 90-second elevator speech.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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