Conversation Guide: Our Relationship with Water
In this conversation, participants will explore their shared watershed and local ecosystems, and connect with neighbors through their common and unique experiences with water in the region. We hope individuals, families, and communities will share their memories and stories about water and come together to imagine a future they want for their communities.
Context for Use
Living Room Conversations offers a simple, sociable and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. Typically, 4-6 people meet in person or by video call for about 90 minutes to listen to and be heard by others on one of our nearly 100 topics. Rather than debating or convincing others, we take turns talking to share, learn, and be curious. Find more conversation guides at
This activity is available in Spanish here.

Conversation Guides Graphic
Goals Header
What You Will Do
- Introductions: Why We’re Here (~10 minutes) Each participant has 1 minute to introduce themselves.
- Conversation Agreements: How We’ll Engage (~5 minutes) These will set the tone of our conversation.
- Question Rounds: What We’ll Talk About
- Round One: Getting to Know Each Other (~10 min)
- Round Two: Exploring the Topic -- Our Relationship with Water (~40 min)
- Round Three: Reflecting on the Conversation (~15 min)
- Closing (~5 min)