Filmmaking: Post-production
This lesson teaches students about editing films and respecting licensed materials, while also ensuring they receive the support they need to ensure completion of their films.
Context for Use
This is the third part of a 3-part unit on the filmmaking process for both formal and informal education settings. See also other lessons in this unit:
To access all LOCC program resources - including lesson plans, worksheets, slides, and instructional videos - see the interactive educator guide: Sharing Science with Film: A Guide to Student Productions.

LOCC students.
Goals Header
What Students Will Do
• Students use editing software to review their footage and decide which clips to incorporate into their film.
• Students determine the best sequence of shots to convey their story.
• Students evaluate their rough cut to determine when they are ready to show it to others and receive feedback.
• Students give and receive constructive feedback on their rough cut.
• Students determine which suggestions from their peers to incorporate into their film.
Teaching Materials
Lesson 8: Rough Cut Edit
Lesson 9: Revise
Lesson 10: Titles/Credits/Music