How Can We Present Solutions for Food Waste and Emissions at School?

How Can We Present Solutions for Food Waste and Emissions at School?

This lesson provides guidance for students to create and practice a presentation about their design challenge results that they developed in the previous lessons and how to present it to the school administration.

Context for Use

This is the fifth and final lesson in the Climate Resiliency Education Design Challenge Unit. These design challenges are meant to follow the middle or high school Climate Resiliency Education units and to have students come up with real world solutions.

A student stands while doing a presentation.

A student stands while doing a presentation.

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

Students will learn how to create a presentation for the plans that were developed in the previous lesson. Participants will then practice and refine their presentations before presenting them to the school’s administration.


  1. (5 minutes) Reorient students to the storyline.
  2. (15 minutes) Sharing Initial Ideas Discussion: Generate ideas for presenting design solutions.
  3. (30 minutes) Develop presentations: Give students time to develop their presentation.
  4.  (20 minutes) Practice presentations: Practice presentations and elicit feedback from the test run audience.
  5. Present: Arrange a time for the students to present to administration and hopefully, begin the work of improving the system!
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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