Science is Culture

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Science is Culture

Public Lecture: ​Michelle Gabrieloff-Parish, from CU Boulder Environmental Center, and Heidi McCann, Associate Scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center gave a presentation that focused on how scientists often work in and with communities whether working on research, promoting findings, especially in the fields of resiliency, environment and sustainability.

Workshop: The presentation was followed by a workshop for graduate students and postdocs that examined the scientific worldview lens and explored best practices for working with communities, including developing inter-cultural awareness, conducting research so that communities benefit, and understanding the value of local communities (including disenfranchised communities) and “informal” knowledge.  

The Engaged Scientist series was coordinated by CU's Albert A. Bartlett Center for Science Communication, CIRES Education and Outreach, INSTAAR, and Learn More About Climate at the Office for Outreach and Engagement.

Context for Use

This workshop was part of the Engaged Scientist Series. Although the workshop has concluded, resources are available below.

Goals Header

The goals of this workshop were to: 

  • Look at relevant, mini case-studies 
  • Look at cultural communication and behavior patterns
  • Work through dilemmas for community-engaged research 
  • Discuss how to initiate and strengthen community partnerships

Teaching Materials

Engaged Scientist Series: Science is Culture Resources
Engaged Scientist Series: Science is Culture Best Practices
Engaged Scientist Series: Science is Culture Article Handout
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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