We are Water Kahoot Trivia - Intermediate Level

We are Water Kahoot Trivia - Intermediate Level

Challenge your students with intermediate level trivia from We are Water about the science of water and the geography of the Four Corners Region. 

Context for Use

Do you already know a bit about water topics and water in the Four Corners Region? Start here!

A flooding river with dark clouds

Image provided by: iStockphoto.com

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What Students Will Do

Students will answer trivia questions such as: 

  • When a river overflows its banks, a _____ occurs.

    • Flood: Flash floods can happen quickly in the desert and are very dangerous!

  • Because very little rain and snow fall in the Four Corners region, this area is called a:

    • Desert: Anywhere that gets less than 10 inches of rain per year is considered a desert.

  • True or false: If you dig down far enough, you'll eventually find water underground.

    • True: In most places, water is available deep underground and can be accessed by drilling a well.

  • Most of the water in rivers and streams of the Southwest starts as:

    • Snow high in the mountains: Very little rain falls in the desert, so most of the water in Southwestern streams starts off as snow in faraway mountains!

  • True or false: There is one creature in the Southwestern US which almost never needs to drink water to survive!

    • True: The tiny desert kangaroo rat can get all of the water it needs just from its food!

Explore our other trivia levels to find the perfect fit for your classroom: We are Water Kahoot Trivia: Beginner Level, We are Water Kahoot Trivia: Advanced Level, and We are Water Kahoot Trivia: Expert Level

Teaching Materials

Intermediate Level - We are Water Kahoot Trivia
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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