Lesson Plans & Activities
Data Puzzle: What's the Limit?
This data puzzle is a stand-alone lesson that is part of a larger collection of data puzzles.
Moss campion is a key species indicator of climate change. In this lesson, students will explain how latitude impacts and affects these hearty tundra plants by analyzing and interpreting moss campion growth and survival data.Lesson
Virtual field trip
Middle School
High School

Data Puzzle: Windstorms on the Front Range
Although strong windstorms are a common weather event at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, a record-breaking windy spring soon after the Marshall Fire disaster had the public feeling on-edge. In this Data Puzzle, students analyze data on the number of windstorms and the number of red flag warnings to investigate the question, “Is it getting windier on the Front Range as the climate warms?”Lesson
Data Puzzle Resource
Middle School
High School