Brandon Sandoval
Project Title: Flowering Time and Reproduction Between Parent and Hybrid Taxa of Subalpine Cinquefoils.
Mentors: Nancy Emery and Kelly Carscadden, INSTAAR/LTER//Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at CU.
Bio: Originally from Los Angeles, Brandon now resides in Colorado. He enjoys kayaking on the California coast, mountaineering in the Rockies and any activity that allows him to experience the natural world. Brandon recently sold his share in local security company so that he could devote his time to his education. His passion for the natural sciences was heavily influenced by the closed-system experiments of the Biosphere-2 facility in Arizona.
This fall, Brandon will complete his Associate of Science degree at Front Range Community College and transfer to Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, in pursuit of a degree in horticulture with a botany concentration. He intends on pursuing an advanced degree in ecology and evolutionary biology. Brandon’s ultimate goal is to bring his passion and enthusiasm to the scientific community by contributing to field research and publication.
View a short 90-second elevator speech.