Brianna Alcorn

Brianna Alcorn


Project Title: From Voltages to Visuals: Atmospheric Surface Flux Station (ASFS) at the Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere and Surface for Hydrometeorology (SPASH)

Mentors: Sara Morris, Annareli Morales, Gijs de Boer

Bio: Brianna was born and raised in Chicago, and moved to Colorado as a teenager. A few years after graduating high school, she decided to come back to college and get an education. She has recently graduated with an Associate of Science from Red Rocks Community College and will be continuing her education at Colorado School of Mines to earn a degree in Geological Engineering.

Brianna found her passion for science by road tripping to our National Parks. Once she saw the Grand Canyon, she knew she wanted to aid in conservation efforts to protect not only our National Parks but Earth. Brianna has also found a passion for math and is a math tutor at Red Rocks Community College.
She is excited and looking forward to the opportunity to conduct research and have experience in fieldwork, as well as make new connections.

View Brianna's elevator speech and oral presentation.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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