Meliah Dubus

Meliah Dubus


Project Title: Florrisant Formicids: Eocene to Modern Comparison

Mentor: Sarah Leventhal, CU Geological Sciences 

Bio: Meliah was born and raised in Colorado and is currently completing her prerequisites at Front Range Community College with plans to continue her studies in Biology. 

A growing interest in bugs and insects was developed early on for Meliah and from the time she learned the word entomologist at a very young age she knew studying insects was something that interested her. Meliah’s passion for entomology continues to this day and she enjoys spending time at the Butterfly Pavilion, home to over 5000 invertebrates from all over the world, located in Westminster. 

Meliah is excited to begin the RECCS program to connect and learn from scientists further along their path and explore her interest in entomology in a more professional environment. 

View Meliah's elevator speech, poster, and oral presentation. 

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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