Module 7 of the “Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic” MOOC is: Challenges in the Arctic
In this module, we will tie together what we learned in the previous modules and explore challenges that the new Arctic faces. We will discuss the impacts of a changing climate on the Arctic as a whole, discuss the research frontiers around connections between the Arctic and lower latitudes, and explore the potential impacts of climate change on shipping lanes, energy exploration and fishing as well as related environmental challenges such as plastics and oil spills. Finally, you will learn how climate change is already impacting and will continue to impact indigenous communities in the Arctic in different ways.
“Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic” is also offered free through Coursera sign up today.

M7 L1: Module 7 Overview

M7 L2: A Changing Climate, A Changing Arctic with Dr. John Walsh

M7 L3: Arctic Climate System and Pan-Arctic Connections with Dr. James Overland

M7 L4: Does a Warming Climate Mean a More Accessible Arctic? with Dr. Scott Stephenson

M7 L5: Pollution in the Arctic with Dr. Katrin Vorkamp

M7 L6: Arctic Ocean Acidification: Ecosystems and Economies with Dr. Jessica Cross

M7 L7: Arctic Peoples: A Changing Climate, Changing Ways of Life with Kaare Sikuaq Erickson

M7 L8: Polarbears: Changing Climate Ecosystems with Alysa McCall, Dr. Steve Amstrup and Trude Hohle

MOOC Wrap Up