Actividad del parche sé protector de la cuenca | Watershed Stewardship Patch Activity
We can be good watershed stewards by taking positive actions that will help to ensure the watershed’s healthy functions. In this activity, students learn how to be good watershed stewards and become familiar with their local watershed through observation, positive action, and community engagement.
Context for Use
¡Obtén el Parche de Somos el Agua! Aprender como:
- Principio 1 Entiende el flujo: Encuentra un área en el exterior cerca a ti donde puedas hacer observaciones. Ve al área de estudio y haz un dibujo sencillo de ella.
- Principio 2 La tierra lo une todo: Haz observaciones sobre la textura de la tierra, erosión, vegetación, animales, y contaminantes.
- Principio 3 Mantén el agua en la tierra: Haz pequeños cambios en tu área de estudio que ayude a que la tierra provea agua más limpia y abundante al sistema mayor de la cuenca.
- Principio 4 Entiende patrones históricos: : Identifica cambios históricos en tu área de estudio. Pregúntale a una o un Experto de la Comunidad.
This activity is available in English here.

Actividad del parche sé protector de la cuenca gráfico
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Getting Started
You have three ways to get the activity booklet:
- Complete the booklet on paper: Download the activity booklet, then print it.
- Complete an electronic version on your computer: Download the fillable PDF.
- Get a printed activity booklet: Visit one of the We Are Water exhibit host libraries to get a printed booklet. The libraries are Pine River Library in Bayfield, CO; Montrose Regional Library in Montrose, CO; Zuni Tribal Archives in Zuni, NM; Ignacio Community Library in Ignacio, CO. Check back here periodically as new libraries will be added.
How do I receive my patch?
If you live near one of the communities listed above, you can take your completed booklet to the public library. Show your booklet to a library staff and they will give you a patch.
If you completed the fillable PDF, save it and rename it as your name. Request your patch at this Google form.
If you completed the booklet on paper, request your patch at this Google form.