Videographer on Ice: Polar Science with Lianna Nixon

Videographer on Ice: Polar Science with Lianna Nixon

Videographer Lianna Nixon presented about her experiences on the MOSAiC Expedition and filming a planetarium show in the Arctic Circle.

About the Presenter Header
About the Presenter

Lianna Nixon is a photojournalist and documentary filmmaker.  Prior to graduate school, she has worked with storytellers across the globe to capture the beauty and plight of our planet.  She is currently a graduate student in the School of Education: Learning Sciences Human Development at the University of Colorado Boulder.  Her research focuses on climate change and environmental education through immersive storytelling platforms and the relationship between youth climate activism and civic spaces. 


Additional Learning Resources

**During the webinar some folks were not able to view the video that Lianna showed. While it is captured in the recording, if you would like to view the video on YouTube it is available here.

All students can become videographers. If you're looking for formal lessons on how students can become good science filmmakers, we recommend our own Lens on Climate Change curriculum.

More About the MOSAiC Mission

MOSAiC has an easily accessible catalog of MOSAiC and Polar-Related Lessons and Curricula for educators/coaches to incorporate the polar science concepts into their classrooms.

Students may also find the self-directed MOSAiC ArcGIS Storymaps to be useful in learning about *why* this research expedition is important, about the history of the Fram, and about the arctic food web.

Take a virtual expedition to the arctic circle! Pick from twelve 360 images, virtual tours, and Google expeditions and see first-hand the conditions scientists on the MOSAiC expedition experienced from the ship to the sea ice.

Educators, students, and even parents might enjoy taking the MOSAiC MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Coursera (for free or paid for credit).

MOSAiC has an extensive photo and video library available online. Those can be found here, plus two podcasts.

MOSAiC has produced a short trailer and full-length planetarium show, which can be accessed online.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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