Community Climate Stories

Dividiendo las aguas: cómo el pacto del río Colorado transformó el suroeste por Wren Capra

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados Unidos.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Dividing the Waters - How the Colorado River Compact Transformed the Southwest by Wren Capra

This video is part of the We are Water story collection. These stories explore the diverse experiences and unique perspectives about water from people who live in the Four Corners Region of the Southwestern United States.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
The Importance of Water in Navajo Nation by Esther Yazzie-Lewis

This video is part of the We are Water story collection. These stories explore the diverse experiences and unique perspectives about water from people who live in the Four Corners Region of the Southwestern United States.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Changing Water by Stanley Ghachu

This video is part of the We are Water story collection. These stories explore the diverse experiences and unique perspectives about water from people who live in the Four Corners Region of the Southwestern United States.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water Connects by Curtis Qam

This video is part of the We are Water story collection. These stories explore the diverse experiences and unique perspectives about water from people who live in the Four Corners Region of the Southwestern United States.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Historias de la comunidad del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Flagstaff

Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados Unidos.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Flagstaff Unified School District Community Stories

This video is part of the We are Water story collection. These stories explore the diverse experiences and unique perspectives about water from people who live in the Four Corners Region of the Southwestern United States.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua conecta por Curtis Quam

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Curtis Quam. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Reflexiones sobre el agua de un empleado del lago Powell por Lionel Lee

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Lionel Lee. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Las múltiples caras del agua por Larthanio Stevens

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Larthanio Stevens. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Crecer con agua: de Page a Gilbert, AZ, por Vanessa Hansen

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Vanessa Hansen. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Agua cambiante de Stanley Ghachu

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Stanley Ghachu. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Conectar con los antepasados a través del agua por Brandon Francis

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Brandon Francis. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
No rego, pero canto de mi herencia: una narración poética de un agricultor desplazado por Olivia Romo

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Olivia Romo. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Conservación y manejo de agua en Page, AZ por Charles Weiss

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Charles Weiss. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
La vida en una casa flotante por Marie Horn

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Marie Horn. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua ayer y hoy por Dixie Cook

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Dixie Cook. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Historia familiar y agua en Árboles, CO, por Anna Appenzeller

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Anna Appenzeller. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
La lucha por el agua limpia por Theresa Bustos-Ortega

¿Qué tipo de trabajo está presentando que muestra su reflejo o conexión con el agua? ¿Qué se siente al darse cuenta de que el agua que usted y su familia han estado bebiendo está contaminada? Esta es una historia de cómo una comunidad se organizó para limpiar su agua, de Theresa Bustos-Ortega. Este video contiene…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El privilegio del agua potable por Iriana Medina

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) entrevista a Iriana Medina (Grand Junction, CO) sobre sus experiencias y conexiones con el agua. Este video tiene subtítulos en español.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El privilegio del agua potable por Iriana Medina

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) entrevista a Iriana Medina (Grand Junction, CO) sobre sus experiencias y conexiones con el agua. Este video tiene subtítulos en español.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua es nuestra conexión compartida por Cheyanna Cruze


Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) entrevista a Cheyanna Cruze (Grand Junction, CO) sobre sus experiencias y conexiones con el agua. Este video tiene subtítulos en español.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Agricultura sostenible en un clima desértico por Dawn Adams

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) entrevista a Dawn Adams (Grand Junction, CO) sobre sus experiencias y conexiones con el agua. Este video tiene subtítulos en español.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Aprendiendo del río por Richard Brochner

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) entrevista a Richard Brochner (Grand Junction, CO) sobre sus experiencias y conexiones con el agua. Este video tiene subtítulos en español.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Comprender nuestras aguas subterráneas y humedales por Al Laase


Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) entrevista a Al Laase (Grand Junction, CO) sobre sus experiencias y conexiones con el agua. Este video tiene subtítulos en español.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Reflexiones sobre el uso del agua en el alto desierto por Abigail Stetson

En este video, James Stetson entrevista a Abigail Stetson, educadora, madre y residente de Montrose, Colorado, sobre su relación con el agua en el desierto alto.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua significa vida, el agua es belleza por Alondra Ramirez

En este video, James Stetson entrevista a Alondra Ramírez sobre la importancia del agua para la vida y cómo el agua ha impactado sus propias experiencias.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Ahorrando y compartiendo agua en el Valle Uncompahgre por Frederick Brown

En este video, James Stetson entrevista a Frederick Brown sobre sus recuerdos con el agua y cómo la gente del valle de Uncompahgre usa el agua.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Todo necesita agua por Peter Dubinski

En este video, James Stetson entrevista a Peter Dubinski para hablar sobre la importancia del agua en su vida y en su comunidad.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Viviendo y trabajando con agua en el Valle Uncompahgre por Katie Alexander

En este video, James Stetson entrevista a Katie Alexander, miembro de la comunidad agrícola y ganadera, quien comparte cómo la gente vive y trabaja con agua en el valle de Uncompahgre.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Cambios en el agua a través de la vida por Grace Sossaman


Grace Sossaman (Bayfield, CO) comparte cómo cambió su relación con el agua después de mudarse al suroeste de los Estados Unidos.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua es seguridad, comodidad y diversión por Bryce Jenkin

Bryce Jenkin (Bayfield, CO) reflexiona sobre lo que significa el agua para él como bombero y residente en la región de Four Corners.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Trabajar duro por el agua por Dennis Hillyer


Dennis Hillyer (Bayfield, CO) comparte sus recuerdos sobre trabajar duro para conseguir agua después de mudarse a Colorado desde el Medio Oeste.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Un año de agua: pesca con mosca por Shelley Walchak

Shelley Walchak (Bayfield, CO) reflexiona sobre su año de agua cuando renunció a su trabajo y se fue a pescar con mosca durante un año.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Dificultades con el agua por Phyllis Ludwig


Phyllis Ludwig (Bayfield, CO) comparte recuerdos sobre el agua, esta historia del agua en la ladera occidental, y habla sobre las dificultades asociadas con el acceso al agua y los derechos de agua.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua es divertida, pero debe ser respetada por Daniel Jenkin

Daniel Jenkin (estudiante de secundaria de Bayfield, CO) comparte sus pensamientos sobre el agua y sus cosas favoritas sobre el agua.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Los vínculos familiares por Dr. Reyes Roberto García

¿Cómo puede el trabajo de regar un campo conectar a alguien con su familia y su historia? Estas historias del Dr. Reyes Roberto García te mostrarán cómo. Parte 2/2. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia del Dr. Reyes Roberto García (parte 2).

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Las estrellas en el agua por Reyes Roberto García

¿Cómo puede el trabajo de regar un campo conectar a alguien con su familia y su historia? Estas historias del Dr. Reyes Roberto García te mostrarán cómo. Parte 2/2. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia del Dr. Reyes Roberto García.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Respetando y honrando al agua por Regina Lopez Whiteskunk


¿Cómo podemos respetar y honrar el agua que es parte de nuestra vida cotidiana? Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk comparte lo que aprendió sobre el agua de su familia. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El legado austriaco y de Ophir del agua por Fred Blackburn


¿Qué significa depender de la nieve y usarla en tu vida diaria? Fred Blackburn comparte cómo su comunidad de montaña valora la nieve y lo que significa para él y su familia. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Fred Blackburn.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Las acequias y el agua en el Valle de San Luis por Eli Rael

La agricultura en el valle de San Luis requiere una relación especial con el agua. En este podcast, Eli comparte lecciones y valores sobre el agua con su hija. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Eli Rael.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Las lecciones tempranas sobre el agua por Dennis Lopez

¿Qué opinas del agua cuando tienes que hacer un poco de estiramiento para muchos usos? Dennis Lopez comparte cómo su familia le enseñó a apreciar el valor del agua. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Dennis Lopez.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua en el pueblo más viejo de Colorado por Jeremy Elliot

Las comunidades urbanas y rurales necesitan agua, ¿cómo equilibramos eso? Aquí está por qué el agua es importada al condado de Costilla, y la ciudad más antigua en Colorado de Jeremy Elliott.Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Jeremy Elliot.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Cherishing Water by Patrick Keyope

What is it like to be a kid growing up in a water-scarce place? Patrick Keyope shares how his family and landscape shaped his memories and experiences around water. This video contains the English captions for Patrick Keyope's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
The Privilege of Clean Water by Iriana Medina

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) interviews Iriana Medina (Grand Junction, CO) about her experiences with and connections to water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water is Our Shared Connection by Cheyanna Cruze

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) interviews Cheyanna Cruze (Grand Junction, CO) about her experiences with and connections to water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Sustainable Farming in a Desert Climate by Dawn Adams


Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) interviews Dawn Adams (Grand Junction, CO) about her experiences with and connections to water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Learning from the River by Richard Brochner

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) interviews Richard Brochner (Grand Junction, CO) about his experiences with and connections to water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Understanding our Groundwater and Wetlands by Al Laase

Michele Hickey (Mesa County Central Library) interviews Al Laase (Grand Junction, CO) about his experiences with and connections to water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Family History and Water in Arboles, CO by Anna Appenzeller

In this video, Dorthy Williams interviews Anna Appenzeller about her family history of water in Arboles, CO. This video is part of the We are Water story collection. These stories explore the diverse experiences and unique perspectives about water from people who live in the Four Corners Region of the Southwestern…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Life on a Houseboat by Marie Horn

Dorothy Williams (Ignacio Community Library) interviews Marie Horn (Ignacio, CO) to learn what it's like living on a houseboat.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water Yesterday and Today by Dixie Cook

Dorothy Williams (Ignacio Community Library) interviews Dixie Cook (Ignacio, CO) about her experiences hauling water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Reflections on Water Use in the High Desert by Abigail Stetson


In this video, James Stetson interviews Abigail Stetson, an educator, mother, and resident of Montrose, CO, about her relationship with water in the high desert.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water Means Life, Water is Beauty by Alondra Ramirez

In this video, James Stetson interviews Alondra Ramirez about water's importance for life and how water has impacted her own experiences.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Saving and Sharing Water in Uncompahgre Valley by Frederick Brown

In this video, James Stetson interviews Frederick Brown about his memories with water and how people in the Uncompahgre Valley use water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Everything Needs Water by Peter Dubinski

In this video James Stetson interviews Peter Dubinski to talk about the importance of water in his life and community.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Living and Working with Water in Uncompahgre Valley by Katie Alexander

In this video, James Stetson interviews Katie Alexander, a member of the farming and ranching community, who shares how people live and work with water in the Uncompahgre Valley.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Changes in Water Through Life by Grace Sossaman

Grace Sossaman (Bayfield, CO) shares how her relationship with water changed after she moved to the Southwestern United States.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water is Safety, Comfort, and Fun by Bryce Jenkin

Bryce Jenkin (Bayfield, CO) reflects on what water means to him as a firefighter and resident in the Four Corners Region.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
A Year of Water: Fly Fishing by Shelley Walchak

Shelley Walchak (Bayfield, CO) reflects on her year of water when she quit her job and went fly fishing for a year.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Troubles with Water by Phyllis Ludwig

Phyllis Ludwig (Bayfield, CO) shares memories about water, this history of water on the Western Slope, and talks about the difficulties associated with water access and water rights.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Working Hard for Water by Dennis Hillyer

Dennis Hillyer (Bayfield, CO) shares his memories about working hard to get water after he moved to Colorado from the Midwest.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water is Fun But Needs To Be Respected by Daniel Jenkin

Daniel Jenkin (Bayfield, CO middle schooler) shares his thoughts on water and his favorite things about water.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Family Ties by Dr Reyes Roberto García

How can the work of irrigating a field connect someone to their family and history? These stories from Dr. Reyes Roberto García will show you how. Part 2/2. This video contains the English captions for Dr. Reyes Roberto García's story (part 2).

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Stars in Water by Dr. Reyes Roberto García


How can the work of irrigating a field connect someone to their family and history? These stories from Dr. Reyes Roberto García will show you how. Part 1/2. This video contains the English captions for Dr. Reyes Roberto García's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Respecting and Honoring Water by Regina Lopez Whiteskunk


How can we respect and honor the water that is a part of our everyday lives? Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk shares what she learned about water from her family. This video contains the English captions for Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Changing Water by Stanley Ghachu

Kacey Luna (Zuni Tribal Arhives) interviews Stanley Ghachu to learn how water has changed in Zuni, NM.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Connecting with Ancestors Through Water by Brandon Francis

How can water connect you with the past? Brandon Francis shares how water has impacted his life as a farmer and how water also connects him with his ancestors.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
No rego, pero canto de mi herencia: A Poetic Narrative of a Displaced Acequia Farmer by Olivia Romo

An original poem about ancestral land and water, written and performed by Olivia Romo.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua es una bendición por Trisha Moquino


Trisha Moquino comparte cómo sus tradiciones familiares y de pueblo han dado forma a su visión del agua. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Trisha Moquino.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water is a Blessing by Trisha Moquino

Trisha Moquino shares how her family and Pueblo traditions have shaped her views on water. This video contains the English captions for Trisha Moquino's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Criándome con las acequias por Kevin Terry

¿Cómo es crecer con una acequia en tu patio trasero? Es mucho trabajo, solo pregúntale a Kevin Terry.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Growing Up With Acequias by Kevin Terry

What's it like to grow up with an acequia in your backyard? It's a lot of work, just ask Kevin Terry. This video contains the English captions for Kevin Terry's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua es vida por Chili Yazzie


Chili Yazzie comparte cómo la vida, la cultura y el agua están estrechamente conectados y cómo el cambio climático está impactando el agua en su comunidad.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water is Life by Chili Yazzie

Chili Yazzie shares how life, culture, and water are tightly connected and how climate change is impacting the water in his community. This video contains the English captions for Chili Yazzie's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Valorando el agua por Patrick Keyope

¿Cómo es ser un niño creciendo en un lugar donde el agua escasea? Patrick Keyope comparte cómo su familia y el paisaje dieron forma a sus recuerdos y experiencias en torno al agua. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Patrick Keyope.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
The Austrian and Ophir Legacy of Water by Fred Blackburn


What does it mean to depend on and use snow in your daily life? Fred Blackburn shares how his mountain community values their snow and what it means to him and his family. This video contains the English captions for Fred Blackburn's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Acequias and Water in the San Luis Valley by Eli Rael

Farming in the San Luis Valley requires a special relationship with water. In this podcast, Eli shares lessons and values about water with his daughter. This video contains the English captions for Eli Rael's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Early Lessons of Water by Dennis Lopez

How do you feel about water when you have to make a small amount stretch for many uses? Dennis Lopez shares how his family taught him to appreciate the value of water. This video contains the English captions for Dennis Lopez's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water in Colorado's Oldest Town by Jeremy Elliot

Urban and rural communities both need water, how do we balance that? Here is why water is import to Costilla County, and the oldest town in Colorado from Jeremy Elliott. This video contains the English captions for Jeremy Elliot's story.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
The Many Sides of Water by Larthanio Stevens


Larthanio Stevens (Page, AZ) talks about how water connects with many different aspects of culture, politics, and life. Interview by Megan Marks (Page Public Library).

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Growing Up with Water—From Page to Gilbert, AZ by Vanessa Hansen
In this video, Vanessa Hansen talks about her experiences with water throughout her life.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Water is Community, Water is a Gift by John Pflaumer
In this video, John Pflaumer talks about the importance of water through an interview with Seairah Combest.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Insights into Water from an Employee at Lake Powell by Lionel Lee
In this video, Lionel Lee shares insights from his time working at Lake Powell.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Conserving and Managing Water in Page, AZ by Charles Weiss
In this video, Charles Weiss talks about his experiences conserving and managing water.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Reflexiones de un agricultor Hopi por Michael Kotutwa Johnson

Michael Kotutwa Johnson reflexiona sobre el agua y la vida como agricultor Hopi. Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Michael Kotutwa Johnson.

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Los personas y el agua están interconectados por David Begay
En este podcast, David Begay comparte cómo las personas y el agua están conectadas y habla sobre la importancia del agua en la Nación Navajo.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Impactos de la minería en la Nación Navajo por David Begay
David Begay comparte cómo la minería ha impactado el agua y la vida en la Nación Navajo.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
We Are Water Flagstaff Community Stories
In this video, students from Flagstaff Unified School District interviewed family and community members about water through the Be a Water Historian take-and-make activity kit
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
The Importance of Water in Navajo Nation by Esther Yazzie-Lewis
In this video Esther Yazzie-Lewis talks about the impacts and importance of water within the Navajo Nation.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Reflections from a Hopi Farmer by Michael Kotutwa Johnson
In this video, Michael Kotutwa Johnson reflects on water and life as a Hopi farmer.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
People and Water are Interrelated by David Begay
In this podcast, David Begay shares how people and water are connected and talks about the importance of water in Navajo Nation.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Impacts of Mining in Navajo Nation by David Begay
In this video, David Begay shares how mining has impacted water and life in the Navajo Nation.
We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
El agua es comunidad, el agua es un regalo por John Pflaumer

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de John Pflaumer. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los Estados…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
La importancia del agua en la Nación Navajo por Esther Yazzie-Lewis

Este video contiene los subtítulos en español para la historia de Esther Yazzie-Lewis. Este video es parte de la colección de historias de Somos el Agua. Estas historias exploran las diversas experiencias y perspectivas únicas sobre el agua de personas que viven en la región de Cuatro Esquinas del suroeste de los…

We are Water Community Stories, Water Resource Stories
Right Here, Right Now: Climate Action through Youth Activism and Women's Rights

In this pre-summit event, experts will discuss how to support women and youth in climate action. 

Right Here, Right Now Global Climate Summit Community Resilience & Climate Action Videos, Recorded Science Talks
The Changing Arctic Carbon Cycle with Aleya Kaushik
In this stand-alone webinar, Dr. Aleya Kaushik, a water-carbon cycle scientist at NOAA GMD, presents on the Arctic Climate Cycle.
Science Show & Share Science Show and Share  
Boulder Flood 2013

Lens on Climate Change student-produced video on the 2013 Boulder Flood.  

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Pez loro

Esta película fue hecha por estudiantes de LOCC en Puerto Rico en el verano de 2019.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos

Esta película fue hecha por estudiantes de LOCC en Puerto Rico en el verano de 2019.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Agricultura Local

Esta película fue hecha por estudiantes de LOCC en Puerto Rico en el verano de 2019.

Science Content Video 
Behind the Panels

Learn all about the ins and outs of solar power and community solar power. This video was made by Upward Bound Math Science LOCC students in during the summer of 2019.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Project U

What do you know about uranium? Learn about uranium power with these LOCC students. This video was made by Upward Bound Math Science LOCC students in during the summer of 2019.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Science Content Video , Youth-Produced videos
#GiveADam Unsung Heroes

In this video, LOCC students learn all about beavers and how they're affected by climate change. This video was made by Upward Bound Math Science LOCC students in during the summer of 2019.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Science Content Video , Youth-Produced videos
Save Timothy

Meet Timothy, the sea turtle who has been forced to leave his home due to ocean pollution. This video was made by Upward Bound Math Science LOCC students in during the summer of 2019.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
La Gran Ola (en español)
Este video trata sobre los problemas ambientales que surgen con la erosión costera causada por el cambio climático.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Libre Tinglar (en español)
En este video, los estudiantes de LOCC investigan los peligros que enfrenta la tortuga baula debido a la erosión costera.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Mitigación, Adaptación y Resiliencia en la Agricultura Puertorriqueña (en español)
Este video explora los desafíos que enfrenta la agricultura puertorriqueña después del huracán María y algunas posibles soluciones a esos desafíos.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
La Gran Ola (English subtitles)
This video is about the environmental problems that arise with coastal erosion caused by climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Water Resource Stories, Youth-Produced videos
Libre Tinglar (English subtitles)
In this video, LOCC students investigate the dangers faced by the leatherback turtle due to coastal erosion.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Mitigación, Adaptación y Resiliencia en la Agricultura Puertorriqueña (English subtitles)
This video explores the challenges facing Puerto Rican agriculture in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, and some possible solutions to those challenges.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Wildfires In The West
This film was made by students in Gunnison, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Save The Pika
This film was made by students in Gunnison, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
The Sustainability of Gunnison
This film was made by students in Gunnison, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Catch Our Drift
This film was made by students in the Upward Bound Math Science program during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Life Begins With Water
This film was made by students in the Upward Bound Math Science program during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
The Hunger Game
This film was made by students in the Upward Bound Math Science program during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
New Mexico's Lifeline
This film was made by students in the Upward Bound Math Science program during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Our Lives, Our River
This film was made by students in Carbondale, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Streamflow on the Crystal River
This film was made by students in Carbondale, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Grass Skis
This film was made by students in Carbondale, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Out of Balance
The film was made by students in Carbondale, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Water Man

Follow the adventures of Water Man to learn the importance of water conservation and only using what you need according to middle school LOCC students from Whittier K-8. 

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Life of a Bike
This film was made by students in Carbondale, Colorado during summer 2018.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Climate Change Cooking
LOCC School Year Program: Colorado high school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
LOCC School Year Program: Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Climate Change
LOCC School Year Program: Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
LOCC School Year Program: Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
It's a Hard Rock Life for a Pika
LOCC School Year Program: Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos

This LOCC video produced by students emphasizes the importance of individual choices (like types of milk, reusable cups and carbon-neutral transportation) in mitigating climate change. 

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Climate Change Farm

Follow this student-filmed story about a farmer who fears for his family when he learns of a climate change-driven drought from lack of snowpack. 

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
How to Recycle

What is recyclable? What isn't? Students in this LOCC film learn how to properly recycle, and why recycling matters in the first place. 

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Beeble the Bee

How does climate change affect the bee population? Why do bees matter for our ecosystems? Students tell the story of Beeble the Bee, who has an important message for humanity. #SavetheBees

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Super Climate Girl

Super Climate Girl saves citizens victimized by climate disasters and teaches her audience about climate change in the process. This was filmed by LOCC students in Boulder, Colorado.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Mindstorm: Climate Edition

Check out this very special climate episode of the game show, Mindstorm! This was filmed by LOCC students in Boulder, Colorado.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Lawn Owner’s Dilemma

In this video, LOCC students from Salida, Colorado learn about xeriscaping, a form of landscaping that conserves most of the water usually needed for lawn upkeep.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
The Weather Report

Check out this weather and news report from the future, where climate change has gone unchecked for so long that water is incredibly scarce. This student-made film was produced in Salida, Colorado.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Bad Dream

A boy has a bad dream about what could happen to fishing, rafting and his other favorite outdoor activities if climate change goes unchecked for too long. How can he help fix it?

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
QAF News

This mock television news program covers the pine beetle epidemic, wildfire and a special bonus sneak peek at the future of fashion! This film was produced by LOCC students in Salida, Colorado.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos

What if the future of our planet was in the hands of two basketball teams? This student film from Boulder, Colorado shows us the struggle between environmentally-responsible and environmentally-irresponsible behavior.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
The Dry Well

Where does our groundwater come from, and how will climate change affect that? Learn what happens when Lisa and Allen from New Mexico discover that their neighborhood well has gone dry? This student film was produced in Boulder, Colorado.

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
The Good the Bad and the Litter

This student-made film from LOCC in Boulder urges its audience to address the problem of pollution and litter in their community to "clean up our act."

Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Dr H20 vs Dirt Devil
LOCC Summer Workshop. Upward Bound high school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Dry Hot American Summer
LOCC Summer Workshop. Upward Bound high school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
EcoWarriors Take Charge
LOCC Summer Workshop. Upward Bound high school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Coyote & the Drought
LOCC Summer Workshop. Upward Bound high school students produced short videos about climate change
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Cow Meets New Mexico
LOCC Summer Workshop. Upward Bound high school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Q's with Will Goodman (Angevine MS)
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Community Stories, Youth-Produced videos
Channel 10 News. Weather & Climate Change
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Snow to Steak
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
The Warning (Whittier K-8)
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Community Stories, Water Resource Stories, Youth-Produced videos
Climate Wars
LOCC School Year Program. Colorado middle school students produced short videos about climate change
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Climate Simulator 2016
LOCC Summer Workshop. Upward Bound high school students produced short videos about climate change.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Melt: The Arapaho Glacier
This is a response video to Nederland MS during the LOCC pilot program.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
This is a response video to the Alamosa HS snow pack group during the LOCC pilot program.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Pine Beetle Epidemic
This is a response video to Greeley Central HS during the LOCC pilot program.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Drought: Thirsty Farmers
This is a response video to Poudre HS during the LOCC pilot program.  
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
A Climate Change of Mind
This is a response video to Arapahoe Ridge HS during the LOCC pilot program.    
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Impact on Agriculture
Arapahoe Ridge submission to the Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) video contest.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Biospheric effects on the Hydrosphere
Greeley Central HS submission to the Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) video contest.
Biospheric effects on the Hydrosphere
Greeley Central HS submission to the Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) video contest.
The Importance of Snowpack in Alamosa
Alamosa HS Group 2 submission to the Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) video contest.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Flora, Fauna and Flooding
Estes Park Middle School's submission to the Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) video contest.  
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Questions with Will Goodman. Climate Change Edition
Manhattan MS submission to Lens on Climate Change (LOCC).  
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
COSEE 2009 "Life at Sea"
Scientists Life at Sea (Ludovic Bariteau)
The Drought We Live In (Poudre HS)
Poudre High School submission to the Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) video contest.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Nederland's own: Arapahoe Glacier
Nederland MS/HS video submission for the Lens on Climate Change Project.
Lens on Climate Change (LOCC) Youth-Produced videos
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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