We are Water Kahoot Trivia - Beginner Level

We are Water Kahoot Trivia - Beginner Level

Challenge your students with beginner level trivia from We are Water about the science of water and the geography of the Four Corners Region. 

Context for Use

Just starting to learn about water topics and water in the Four Corners Region? Start here!

Child splashing and playing in a body of water

Image provided by: Goami/Shutterstock.com

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

Students will answer trivia questions such as: 

  • True or false: There are tiny droplets of water in the air that we cannot see.

    • True: Water vapor, which is the gas form of water, is invisible!

  • Snow turning into water is called:

    • Melting: Ice or snow melts into water. When water becomes ice or snow, we call it "freezing."

  • Which of these is NOT one of the Four Corners states?

    • California: The Four Corners is where the borders of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah meet!

  • The biggest river in the Four Corners area is:

    • The Colorado River: The second-biggest is the Green River!

  • When rivers carve down through rock over millions of years, they form:

    • Canyons: A canyon is a narrow valley with steep sides. It comes from the Spanish word "cañon," which means tube or pipe.

Explore our other trivia levels to find the perfect fit for your classroom: We are Water Kahoot Trivia: Intermediate Level, We are Water Kahoot Trivia: Advanced Level, and We are Water Kahoot Trivia: Expert Level

Teaching Materials

Beginner Level - We are Water Kahoot Trivia
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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