This lesson introduces why certain cities in Colorado are getting hotter using a video by the Denver Post that describes the pattern.
Context for Use
This is the first lesson in the Climate Resiliency Education Middle School (MS) Climate Unit. Students may have some background knowledge about climate change, global warming, and greenhouse gases.

Trelynn Watkins, 10, laughs as she plays in the Julia Primrose Fountain. Credit: Genna Ord, The Gazette
Goals Header
What Students Will Do
Goals Header
What Students Will Do
The goal of this discussion is to collect students’ ideas and questions.
Climate Resiliency MS1 - Teacher Guide
Climate Resiliency MS1 - Storyline Tool
Climate Resiliency MS1 - Student Activity Sheet
In this lesson, students will:
- (10 minutes) Watch the Denver Post video twice.
- (20 minutes) Sharing Initial Ideas Discussion: Generate questions to drive remaining lessons.
- (15 minutes) Prioritizing Questions Discussion: Select three most crucial questions to get to the bottom of the phenomenon.