Check out our assortment of free, high-quality learning experiences for lifelong learners to engage with environmental science topics. From immersive VR experiences and storytelling to game-based learning and citizen scientist resources on geomagnetism and space weather, there's something for everyone to explore.
For Lifelong Learners
Exploring Environmental Science
VR Experiences
Discover how immersive experiences with maps, videos, and interactive content can enrich learning inside the classroom and beyond.

Geomag & Space Weather
Learn what CEEE has to offer around Geomagnetism with resources about space weather and Earth’s magnetosphere.

Explore CEEE resources that use storytelling to connect communities and share impactful narratives about environmental topics.

Learning with Games
Engage in game-based learning with CEEE programs and activities, offering an interactive approach to environmental science.

Featured Programs for Lifelong Learners
Explore CEEE programs and projects connecting learners with environmental science topics, including climate change, frozen landscapes, water, natural hazards, community resilience, climate solutions and more.

Education and outreach efforts around the international Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition to the Arctic.
- Educators
- Scientists
- Students
- Public

Science On a Sphere (SOS)
Room-sized, global display system created by NOAA that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six-foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe.
- Educators
- Scientists
- Students
- Public

We are Water
Place-based education program that connects local communities in the desert Southwest with water topics through stories, activities, and a traveling exhibit.
- Educators
- Students
- Public
Engage with Earth Science Through Video and Webinars
Discover CEEE's video resources, community stories, and expert-led webinars to deepen your understanding of Earth science topics. Learn how to make your own videos with CEEE curriculum, hands-on workshops, and video resources.
Sharing Science with Film
Learn how to make your own videos with CEEE curriculum, hands-on workshops, and video resources.

Earth Science Videos
Explore a collection of instructional and educational videos about various environmental and earth science topics.

Community Climate Stories
Dive into stories about water, drought, climate topics and learn from the perspectives of community members.