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Research Experience for Community College Students
Summer research experience program for community college students from Colorado and surrounding states.
- Scientists
- Students
Girls on Rock
Girls on Rock is a unique, FREE wilderness science education program for high school students.
- Students
Navigating the New Arctic (NNA)
Supporting highly collaborative research toward a more resilient, healthy, and equitable Arctic that is understood and stewarded for its role in global systems.
- Scientists
- Public
Action-oriented curriculum that engages middle and high school students in Colorado to investigate wildfire, flood, or drought risk in their hometown and inspire action to increase resilience.
- Educators
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- Public
Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
A collection of ~1000 free, peer-reviewed climate and energy educational resources and support for educators.
- Educators
- Scientists
Data Puzzles
Innovative lessons that combine classroom-friendly datasets with the research-backed instructional practices of Ambitious Science Teaching to support students in making sense of science phenomena.
- Educators
- Scientists
Education and outreach efforts around the international Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition to the Arctic.
- Educators
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- Public
We are Water
Place-based education program that connects diverse communities in the desert Southwest with water topics through stories, activities, and a traveling exhibit.
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- Public
Teaching Climate Science Principles
Science-backed curriculum that engages high school students to take action in making their communities more resilient.
- Educators
Science Show & Share
This webinar series connects scientists from around the world to engage students and learners of all ages. Each webinar includes a 20 minute presentation followed by 20 minutes of Q&A. Explore our recommended learning materials on the event page or video recording.
- Educators
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Science On a Sphere (SOS)
Room-sized, global display system created by NOAA that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six-foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe.
- Educators
- Scientists
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- Public
ADVANCEing FieldSafety
A facilitated virtual workshop to mitigate environmental and inter-personal risks in remote field environments.
- Scientists
Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO)
An organization centered around providing community-building and community-support for polar early career scientists.
- Scientists
Water in the Western US
University of Colorado Boulder just launched a free, online course exploring water and climate in the western United States.
- Students
- Public
A free, open-source geospatial data package that makes Greenland-focused research, teaching, and collaboration more accessible.
- Educators
- Scientists
- Public
Exploring Geomagnetism and Space Weather
Earth’s magnetic field is constantly moving and changing, protecting Earth’s atmosphere from harmful
- Students
- Public