
Schloesser, K., Davis, R., Ruffin, T., Gold, A. U., Christensen, A., Littrell, M. K., & Boyd, K. J. (2024). Centering and uplifting youth voice in planning for a more resilient climate future in rural Colorado: A case study of a student resilience team asking for change. Frontiers in Climate, 6(1), Article 1408872.

Boyd, K. J., Busch, K. C., Gold, A. U., Ward, E. G., Niepold, F., Poppleton, K., … Morrison, D. L. (2024). Using social network analysis to assess connections within climate and energy education organizations: A case study conducted by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Environmental Education Research, 1–24.

Schaecher, A., Rongstad Strong, B., Gold, A. (2023) We are Water Patch Promotes Action for Watershed Stewardship. Connected Science Learning. July – August 2023. 5(4).

Okochi, C, Gold, A.U., Christensen, A., Batchelor, R. (2023): Early access to science research opportunities: Growth within a geoscience summer research program for community college students. PLOS ONE.

Griffith, J., Braaten, M., Dubick, A., & Gold, A. (Accepted). From Windy Day Stories to Wind Farms of the Future: Leveraging student resources to make sense of science phenomena with Data Puzzles. NSTA Science Scope.

Marsh, C. L., Gold, A. U., & Rongstad Strong, B. (2023, November 2). Elevating community voices through inclusive science communication: A case study of the we are water program in the Southwestern United States. Frontiers.

Gold AU, Geraghty Ward EM, Marsh CL, Moon TA, Schoeneman SW, Khan AL, et al. (2023) Measuring novice-expert sense of place for a far-away place: Implications for geoscience instruction. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0293003.

Rongstad Strong, B., A.U. Gold, C. Ratcliffe Adams, V. Tomas, and A. Watkins (2023) Place-based education and community knowledge connect youth to water topics. Connected Science Learning, 5 (4).

Christensen, A., Welton-Mitchell, C., Gold, A., James, L., & Zeitz, L. (2023, June 27). Beyond Doom and Gloom: Teaching Climate Change to Foster Empowerment. Connected Science Learning, 5(3).

Littrell, M. K., Gold, A. U., Kosley, K.L.K., May, T.A., Leckey, E., & Okochi C. (2022). Transformative experience in an informal science learning program about climate change. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1-25. doi/epdf/10.1002/tea.21750.

Griffith, J., & Kozick-Kingston, M. (2022). Arctic Feedbacks: Not All Warming Is Equal. The Science Teacher, 89(4), 38-45.

Fortner, S., Gold, A.U., Batchelor, R.L. et al. (2022). Geoscience Education Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science. Earth and Space Science Open Archive.

Boyd, K. J., Okochi, C., Littrell, M. K., Batchelor, R. L., Gold, A. U., & Leckey, E. (2021). Career implications for college student mentors through their contribution to a climate film outreach program for adolescents. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 11(4), 308–323.

Gold, A. U., Atkins, R., & McNeal, K. S. (2021). Undergraduates graph interpretation and scientific paper reading shift from novice- to expert-like as a result of participation in a summer research experience: A case study. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 5(2), 7–19.

Schloesser, K., Kurz, J., Gold, A.U. (2021): Too much or too little: Empowering students to plan for resiliency to flooding and drought. The Earth Scientist, Vol. XXXVIII, 3, 24-18.

Boyd, K. J., Gold, A. U., & Littrell, M. K. (2021). Teaching practices around natural hazards and community resilience in Colorado. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-14.

Leckey, E. H., Littrell, M. K., Okochi, C., González-Bascó, I., Gold, A., & Rosales-Collins, S. (2021). Exploring local environmental change through filmmaking: The Lentes en Cambio Climático program. The Journal of Environmental Education, 52(4), 207-222. doi: 10.1080/00958964.2021.1949570.

Hill, A. F., M. Jacquemart, A. U. Gold, and K. Tiampo (2021), Changing the culture of fieldwork in the geosciences, Eos, 102, Published on 06 May 2021.

Batchelor, R. L., H. Ali, K. G. Gardner-Vandy, A. U. Gold, J. A. MacKinnon, and P. M. Asher (2021), Reimagining STEM workforce development as a braided river, Eos, 102, Published on 19 April 2021.

Gold, A., Harden, L., Griffith, J. (2021). Teaching Nature of Science Concepts in the Context of Past (Fram) and Present (MOSAiC) Arctic Expeditions. Science Scope, 44(4).

Gold, A. U., Pfirman, S., & Scowcroft, G. A. (2021). The imperative for polar education. Journal of Geoscience Education, 69(2), 97-99,

Sloan, V., & Haacker, R. (Eds.). (2020). GEO REU Handbook: A Guide for Running Inclusive and Engaging Geoscience Research Internship Programs (1st ed.). doi:10.5065/ycba-qw42.
Chapter 11: Science Communication Training, coauthor: Rebecca Batchelor
Chapter 14: Evaluating Your REU Program, coauthor: Anne. U. Gold
Chapter 15: Publishing Education Research, coauthor: Anne U. Gold

Batchelor, R.L., Christensen A.H., Gold, A.U., Okochi, C. (2020): A Two-week Virtual Research Experience Program for Community College Students in the Geosciences. Advances in Engineering Education. FALL 2020 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 4.

Sloan, V., R. Haacker, R. Batchelor, and C. Garza (2020), How COVID-19 is affecting undergraduate research experiences, Eos, 101, Published on 18 June 2020.

Tayne, K., Littrell, M. K., Okochi, C., Gold, A. U., & Leckey, E. (2020). Framing action in a youth climate change filmmaking program: Hope, agency, and action across scales. Environmental Education Research, 1-21. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1821870.

Katya A. Schloesser & Anne U. Gold (2020) Bringing polar topics into the classroom: Teacher knowledge, practices, and needs. Journal of Geoscience Education.

Littrell, M.K., Okochi, C., Gold, A.U., Leckey, E., Tayne, K., Lynds, S., Williams, V., & Wise, S. (2020). Exploring students’ engagement with place-based environmental challenges through filmmaking: a case study from the Lens on Climate Change program. Journal of Geoscience Education, 68(1), 80-93. doi: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1633510.

Morrison, A.L., Rozak, S., Gold, A.U. et al. Quantifying student engagement in learning about climate change using galvanic hand sensors in a controlled educational setting. Climatic Change 159, 17–36 (2020).

Littrell, M. K., Tayne, K., Okochi, C., Leckey, E., Gold, A. U., & Lynds, S. (2020). Student perspectives on climate change through place-based filmmaking. Environmental Education Research, 26 (4), 594-610. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1736516.
Taylor, J., Thomas, L., Penuel, W., Sullivan, S. (2019) Food: Students designing ways to take a bite out of climate change at school. The Science Teacher.

Tayne, K., Littrell-Baez, M.K., Leckey, E., Gold, A.U. (2018): Engaging with Climate Change as a Socioscientific Issue in an Informal Science Learning Environment. In: Kay, J. & Luckin, R. (eds.) Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age. Making the Learning Sciences Count, International Society of Learning Sciences Conference Proceedings, v. 1, p. 1715-1716.

Littrell-Baez, M., Tayne, K., Leckey, E., Gold, A.U., Okochi, C., Lynds, S., & Smith, L. (2018). A qualitative approach to understanding Lens On Climate Change (LOCC) students’ perspectives on climate change. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York.

Tayne, K., Littrell-Baez, M., Leckey, E., Gold, A. (2018): Toward More Meaningful Climate Change Education: Investigating the Role of Climate Change Solutions. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York. Extended Abstract

Gold, A.U., Leckey, E., Littrell-Baez, M., Smith, L., Lynds, S. (2018): Student-Produced Short Films About Impacts of Climate Change on Local Communities: An Effective Approach That Combines Art and Place-Based Learning. Opportunities and challenges of program implementation with secondary school students. Journal of Sustainability Education (ISSN: 2151-7452)

Libarkin, J.C, Gold, A.U., Harris, S.E., McNeal, K.S, Bowles, R.P. (2018): A new, valid measure of climate change understanding: Associations with risk perception. Climatic Change, 150(3), pages 403-416.

Gold, A.U., Pendergast. P., Ormand, C., Budd, D., Mueller, K. (2018): Improving Spatial Thinking Skills among Undergraduate Geology Students through short online Training Exercises. International Journal for Science Education.

Cervato, C., Charlevoix, D., Gold, A., Kandel, H. (2018): Research on Students' Conceptual Understanding of Environmental, Oceanic, Atmospheric, and Climate Science Content. In: St. John, K. (ed.): A Community Framework for Geoscience Education Research. Framework of the Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research.

Anne U. Gold, Philip M. Pendergast, Carol J. Ormand, David A. Budd, Jennifer A. Stempien, Karl J. Mueller, Katherine A. Kravitz (2018); Spatial skills in undergraduate students—Influence of gender, motivation, academic training, and childhood play. Geosphere ; 14 (2): 668–683.

Oonk, D.J., Leckey, E., Gold, A.U., Margolin-Sneider, J., Littrell-Baez, M., Smith, L.K., Lynds, S. (2017): Lens on Climate Change - Using place-based learning to explore climate change effects. Science Scope, 41: 86–95.
Aksit, O., McNeal, K.S., Libarkin, J.L., Gold, A.U., Harris, S. (2017): Undergraduate Students’ Knowledge and Risk Perception about Climate Change. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 55 n4 p550-572

Harris, S., Gold, A.U. (2017): Learning molecular behaviour may improve student explanatory models of the greenhouse effect - Environmental Education Research. 24 (5), 754-771

Smith, L., Rooney-Varga, J., Gold, A.U., Oonk, D., Morrison, D. (2016): Engaging Secondary Students in Regionally relevant Science Topics Through Videography - Lens on Climate Change. In: Media Literacy as a Pathway to Bridge the Digital and STEM Divides: Interest Driven Media Projects for Teachers in the Trenches. in Improving K-12 STEM Education Outcomes through Technological Integration, edited by Dr. Michael Urban, Dr. David Falvo, IGI Global, ISSN: 2329-5929

Gold, A.U., Ledley, T.S., Sullivan, S.B., Kirk, K.B., Grogan, M. (2015): Supporting Energy Education Online: Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Journal of Sustainability Education.

Gold, A.U., Oonk, D., Smith, L., Boykoff, M., Osnes, B., Sullivan, S.B. (2015): Lens on Climate Change: Making Climate Meaningful through Student-Produced Videos. Journal of Geography, Vol. 114, p. 235-246.

Gold, A.U., Kirk, K.B., Morrison, D., Lynds, S., Sullivan, S.B., Grachev, A., Persson, O. (2015): Arctic Climate Connections Curriculum - A Model for Bringing Authentic Data into the Classroom. Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 63, pp. 185-197.

Ledley, T.S., Gold, A.U., Niepold, F. (2014): Enabling Climate and Energy Literacy – A Shared Effort. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Vol. 95, No. 36, pp. 325-326.

Kellagher, E., D. Noone, L.K. Smith, A. Kaushik and A. Bailey (2014): Inspiring future scientists through synergy between K-12 classroom learning and water cycle research. The Earth Scientist XXX (1):12-15.

Ellins, K.K., Ledley, T.S., Haddad, N., McNeal, K., Gold, A.U., Lynds, S., Libarkin, J. (2014): EarthLabs: Supporting Teacher Professional Development to Facilitate Effective Teaching of Climate Science. Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 330-342.

Ledley, T. S., Gold, A.U., Niepold, F., McCaffrey, M. (2014): Moving Toward Collective Impact in Climate Change Literacy – The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 307-318.

Sullivan, S. B., Ledley, T.S., Lynds, S.E., Gold, A.U. (2014): Navigating Climate Science in the Classroom: Teacher Preparation, Perceptions and Practices. Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 550-559.

Kirk, K., Gold, A.U., Ledley, T.S., Sullivan, S.B., Manduca, C.A., Mogk, D.W., Wiese, K. (2014): Undergraduate Climate Education: Motivations, Strategies, Successes, and Support. Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 538-549.

Gold, A.U. 2013. Book Review: Global Weirdness. National Science Education Center. 2013. Book Review: Global Weirdness. National Science Education Center.

Buhr, S.M. and D. Morrison. 2013. CLEAN and ICEE: Two new resources for teaching climate science. Foundations: Newsletter of the Geo2YC NAGT Division. 2:12-14.

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Smith, L.K., M. Barber, L. Duguay and L. Whitley. 2012. Using the Ocean Literacy Principles to connect inland audiences to the global oceans. Currents. Currents 1:1-7.
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Ledley, T. S., M.R. Taber, S. Lynds, B. Domenico and L. Dahlman. 2012. A model for enabling an effective outcome-oriented communication between the scientific and educational communities. Journal of Geoscience Education. 60: 257-267.
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