
Colorado Science Conference

Colorado Science Conference

Connect with the CEEE curriculum team at the 2024 Colorado Science Conference in Denver, CO! We will have a booth in collaboration with NOAA and sessions to explore resources including CLEAN, HEART Force, Data Puzzles, and Science on the Sphere! 

CEEE Sessions: 

  • Using Scenario-Based Role Play Games to Teach About Natural Hazards in Colorado, Katya Schloesser (CEEE, CU Boulder), 8:00-8:55 am, Teaching Lab – Hydro. Join us in a round of a HEART Force game that teaches about resilience to wildfire, flood, and drought in a Colorado context. Access a free, place-based curriculum designed for NGSS standards, and hear about amazing PBL units from veteran HEART Force teachers. HEART Force is designed for middle and high school earth and environmental science classrooms, but has also been taught in Physical Science, Biology, Agriculture, English, and History classrooms.


  • Data Puzzles: integrating authentic data and Ambitious Science Teaching practices to help students make sense of phenomena, Kirsten Johnson Nesbitt (in lieu of Anne Gold/Jonathan Griffith), 9:10 – 10:05 am, Pueblo Chile CR – Terra. Learn about Data Puzzles, a free resource co-designed by climate scientists and instructional specialists from the University of Colorado Boulder that combines authentic data with Ambitious science-teaching instructional practices to help students make sense of phenomena. Participants will explore authentic, contemporary data through Data Puzzles resources that frame data analysis for use in middle and high school classrooms with the Ambitious Science Teaching framework and leave prepared to implement these 2-3 day sensemaking tasks in their classrooms.


  • Bringing Climate Change Topics into your Classroom & Colorado Climate Seal, Patrick Chandler (CEEE/CLEAN, in lieu of Anne Gold/Katie Boyd), 3:05-4:00 PM, Palisade Peach CR – Terra. This presentation will guide participants to explore a curated collection of climate education resources for science and non-science classrooms for K-12 students, the award-winning Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEANet.org) collection of over 900 resources, Climate mental health activities, Climate Action project ideas. We will showcase how CLEAN can support teachers and districts in implementing the new Colorado Climate Seal. Join us in an exploration of new content and peer-reviewed resources, 2) new Spanish translations, 3) an expanded partnership with NOAA’s Climate.govportal, 4) how to teach climate topics effectively across the curriculum, and 5) a new educator workshop and associated educator support group developed in partnership with the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education. Bring your computer to follow along and dive into the available resources and find materials and strategies for teaching climate in your classroom today.


  • NOAA Data for the Classroom; Carolyn Szoke, Sarah Venema and Hilary Peddicord (NOAA) Friday October 25, 2024 3:05pm - 4:00pm MDT​​Morgridge Learning Lab - Terra - Do you want to use relevant data in the classroom? We'll show you how to find premade activities with NOAA data, search NOAA datasets, and use Science on a Sphere in the classroom. You'll also learn how to visit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder and connect to the Outreach team.
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