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Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) is a nationally renowned, award-winning, online clearinghouse that features; i) ~1000 high-quality resources around climate and energy topics that are peer-reviewed for scientific accuracy, ii) educator support and guidance for implementing climate and energy education, and iii) is home to the vibrant CLEAN Network. The CLEAN Collection is syndicated to NOAA’s Teaching Climate portal. CLEANet.org and Climate.gov are the premier resource portals for climate education resources in the country with over 55,000 combined monthly sessions.

Take your teaching about climate and energy to the next level and watch the free CLEAN webinar series. This series of workshops focuses on increasing content knowledge, competence, and instructional skills for teaching climate and energy, including focuses on climate and energy literacy, educational activities and lessons, inquiry and experiential teaching pedagogies, teaching tools, and educational techniques focused on 21st century skills. Topics have included introductions to CLEAN, teaching about climate and energy, human impacts and consequences of climate change, solutions to climate change, elementary climate teaching, mental health aspects of climate change, teaching the National Climate Assessment Report, cultivating hope in the face of climate change, supporting youth agency and climate action, teaching climate change in controversial communities, and many more.

Sign up for and explore the CLEAN webinar series:

Explore and Sign up for Upcoming CLEAN webinars

Explore the CLEAN webinar archive

The CLEAN Educator Newsflash e-newsletters connect selected resources from the CLEAN collection with current climate and energy events in the news. This series supports formal and informal educators in using highlighted CLEAN resources for teaching about current events related to climate and energy issues.

Subscribe to the CLEAN Educator Newsflash!

View all the CLEAN Educator Newsflash issues


The CLEAN Network Newsflash e-newsletters connect CLEAN Network members to current climate and energy education resources, events, news, opportunities, and more. This series supports anyone who has an interest in or supports climate and energy education.

Subscribe to the CLEAN Network Newsflash!

View all the CLEAN Network Newsflash issues

The CLEAN teacher ambassador program supports teachers to help market CLEAN. We can provide funding to teachers who present about CLEAN at teacher conferences and in professional development workshops. We are also working to develop more ways to support educators in their climate teaching through this program.

You can find more information and apply for the program on the CLEAN Teacher Ambassador website.

If you are an expert in climate science or energy-related research or technology, please consider volunteering to serve as an external reviewer for CLEAN. We periodically ask external experts to provide reviews to help us vet online educational resources to ensure they are accurate and current, using a simple review form.

Sign up using the CLEAN Science Reviewer Form.

New climate literacy principles are under review, you can download a PDF of the 2024 version


Cover: Special Issue: Energy Education

Gold, A.U., Ledley, T.S., Sullivan, S.B., Kirk, K.B., Grogan, M. (2015): Supporting Energy Education Online: Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Journal of Sustainability Education.

Cover: Journal of Geoscience Education

Ledley, T. S., Gold, A.U., Niepold, F., McCaffrey, M. (2014): Moving Toward Collective Impact in Climate Change Literacy – The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 307-318. 

JGE Cover

Gold, A.U., Ledley, T.S., Buhr, S.M., Fox, S., McCaffrey, M., Niepold, F., Manduca, C. & Lynds, S. 2012. Peer-review of digital educational resources—A rigorous review process developed by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Journal of Geoscience Education. 60: 295-308.

Cover: Journal of Geoscience Education

Gold, A.U., Ledley, T.S., Buhr, S.M., Fox, S., McCaffrey, M., Niepold, F., Manduca, C. & Lynds, S. 2012. Peer-review of digital educational resources—A rigorous review process developed by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). Journal of Geoscience Education. 60: 295-308. 

Upcoming Events

Wed - Fri
11 - 13
8:00 am MT
Resilient Futures Teacher Workshop

Middle school and high school educators are invited to a three-day in-person teacher workshop. Engage with sessions on education resources, including scientist talks, lab tours, and networking sessions by CEEE, NOAA, and CLEAN. This session will cover topics such as climate science, natural hazards, water resources, climate mental health, data literacy, and more. Graduate credits available.

Resilient Futures Teacher Workshop logo >
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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