GSA Session: Barriers, Misconceptions, and Progress in Improving Climate Literacy and Strategies for Communicating about Climate Change

GSA Session: Barriers, Misconceptions, and Progress in Improving Climate Literacy and Strategies for Communicating about Climate Change

Anne Gold will co-chair this session:

Room 234 (Indiana Convention Center)

T78. Barriers, Misconceptions, and Progress in Improving Climate Literacy and Strategies for Communicating about Climate Change

GSA Geoscience Education Division; National Association of Geoscience Teachers Geoscience Education Research Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Energy Geology Division; Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN); GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division

Don Duggan-Haas, Patrick Chandler, Anne Gold, Haley Joyell Smith and Michael E. Wysession, Advocates

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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Phone: 303-492-5670
Fax: 303-735-3644


CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation
University of Colorado Boulder
488 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0449

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8:00 am to 5:00 pm MT -- fall and spring semesters