Anne U. Gold
Anne U. Gold, PhD, is the Director of the CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation, and a Fellow and Senior Associate Scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado in Boulder, and an Affiliate Faculty member of CU's School of Education. She focuses on science education for educators, students, communities and the public around climate, water, environmental hazards, polar regions and geosciences in general. She is interested in understanding and studying effective ways of teaching and learning and is dedicated to grounding her education work in rigorous research and evaluation. She is passionate about building local partnerships with communities. Anne has led dozens of NSF, NOAA and NASA-funded education projects. She leads a vibrant group of CEEE outreach and education professionals in developing engaging and meaningful educational opportunities for all learners. She is a climate scientist by training with a doctoral degree from the University of Regensburg in Germany.
- Climate Education, Climate Action
- Place-based Education
- Career Development of Undergraduate Students, REU program
- Education focused on polar regions, water topics and environmental hazards
- Scenario-based roleplay games
- Virtual Reality and Immersive experiences
- Spatial Reasoning
Selected Publications (full list of publications through Google Scholar Citations):
Gold, A.U., Ward, E.G., Marsh, C., Moon, T., Khan, A., Schoenmann, S., Littrell, M. (2023). Measuring novice-expert sense of place for a far-away place: Implications for geoscience instruction. Accepted: PLOS One
Gold, A.U., Atkins, R., McNeal, K. (2022): Undergraduates’ Graph Interpretation and Scientific Paper Reading Shift from Novice- to Expert-like as a Result of Participation in a Summer Research Experience: A Case Study. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research, 5(2), p. 8-19.
Littrell, M. K., Gold, A. U., Koskey, K. L., May, T. A., Leckey, E., & Okochi, C. (2022). Transformative experience in an informal science learning program about climate change. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 1-25, DOI: 10.1002/tea.21750
Gold, A.U., Pendergast, P., Ormand, C., Budd, D., Stempien, J., Mueller, K., Kravitz, K. (2018): Spatial Skills in Undergraduate Students – Influence of Gender, Motivation, Academic Training, and Childhood Play. Geosphere, v. 14, no. 2, doi:10.1130/GES01494.1
Harris, S., Gold, A.U. (2017): Learning molecular behaviour may improve student explanatory models of the greenhouse effect - Environmental Education Research, doi: 10.1080/13504622.2017.1280448.
Gold, A.U., Kirk, K.B., Morrison, D., Lynds, S., Sullivan, S.B., Grachev, A., Persson, O. (2015): Arctic Climate Connections Curriculum - A Model for Bringing Authentic Data Into the Classroom. Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 63, pp. 185-197.
Gold, A.U., Oonk, D., Smith, L., Boykoff, M., Osnes, B., Sullivan, S.B. (2015): Lens on Climate Change: Making Climate Meaningful through Student-Produced Videos. Journal of Geography, Vol. 114, p. 235-246.
Gold, A.U., Ledley, T.S., Buhr, S.M., Fox, S., McCaffrey, M., Niepold, F., Manduca, C. & Lynds, S. (2012): Peer-Review of Digital Educational Resources—A Rigorous Review Process Developed by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN). – Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 60, pp. 295-308.
Reuther, A.U., Fiebig, M.C., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Reitner, J.M., Jery, H. & Heine, K. (2011): Deglaciation of a large Piedmont Lobe Glacier in Comparison with a small mountain glacier – new insight from surface exposure dating. Two studies from SE Germany. – E&G Quaternary Science Journal, Vol. 60 No. 2, pp. 248-269.
Reuther, A.U., Urdea, P., Geiger, C., Ivy-ochs, S., Niller, H.-P., Kubik, P. & Heine, K. (2007): The glacial chronology of the Pietrele Valley, Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians constrained by 10Be exposure ages and pedological investigations. - Quaternary International, Vol. 164-165, pp. 151-169.
Reuther, A.U., Herget, J., Ivy-Ochs, S., Borodavco, P., Kubik, P.W. & Heine, K. (2006): Constraining the timing of the most recent cataclysmic flood event from ice-dammed lakes in the Russian Altai mountains, Siberia using cosmogenic in-situ 10Be. – Geology, Vol. 34, pp. 913 – 916.
2023 Govenor's Award for High-Impact Research, Pathfinding Partnerships - We are Water Exhibit and Research Program
2022 Colorado Association for Environmental Education – Award for Excellence in Environmental Education Program Award for HEART Force Program
2021-2022 University of Colorado President’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion Award – CIRES Education & Outreach Program, Honorable Mention
2021 University of Colorado - Outreach Award – $24,000 Data Puzzles, Inquiry-based Earth science data curriculum model
2018 University of Colorado - Outreach Award – $24,000 Climate Action Oriented Climate Education Curriculum
2018 Goldin Foundation for Excellence in Education – Exemplary project award for CLEAN Network and CLEAN Collection ($7,500).
2017 Friends of the Planet Award by National Center for Science Education (NCSE) for CLEAN Network and CLEAN Collection.
2017 University of Colorado – Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in STEM Education – Spatial reasoning research program II with Department of Geological Sciences, CU Boulder
2015-2016 Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists (German Academic Exchange Council) Award– Visiting scientists appointment 3-months at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich during a 12-month visiting scientist appointment.
2014 University of Colorado – Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in STEM Education – Spatial reasoning research program with Department of Geological Sciences, CU Boulder
2013 University of Colorado - Outreach Award – $13,625 Lens on Climate Change youth engagement program
2005–2007 Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by the German Academic Exchange Council (DAAD).
2006 Paul-Wolstedt Award of the German Quaternary Association – dissertation was recognized as a significant and outstanding contribution to Quaternary research.
2003–2004 Scholarship for Young Researchers by Association of Geomorphologists; Scholarship for Female Scientists at University of Regensburg; Scholarship to Support International Scientific Relations at University of Regensburg; DAAD Field Trip Scholarship (Altai Mountains)
2002 PhD Fellowship awarded by the German Academic Exchange Council (DAAD).
2001 Johanna-Löwenherz Award for organization and leading of an Arctic expedition
2000–2001 Fulbright Scholarship – Academic study-abroad year Boulder, Colorado, USA
1993 Travel-Study scholarship, Oil Spill Research in Brittany, France, Stiftung für Studienreisen e.V. under patronage of UNESCO.