teachers view a wildfire burn scar with a forest service fire management officer

HEART Force Veteran Teacher Refresher Workshop

HEART Force Veteran Teacher Refresher Workshop

Have you participated in a HEART Force workshop before? Would you like to learn about the latest developments in the program? Join us to explore new lessons that incorporate trauma-informed practices, activities that guide students toward action projects, and a lesson that helps students understand why certain populations may be more vulnerable to hazards. We will also showcase resilience action projects that students have completed and explain how you can use your HEART Force unit to help students qualify for a Seal of Climate Literacy on their diploma!

WHO: Teachers who have participated in a HEART Force teacher workshop 

WHAT: An hour-long webinar to learn about new lessons in the HEART Force curriculum and hear about actions that HEART Force teachers and students are taking to build community resilience around the state!

WHEN: Tuesday, November 12th from 4-5 PM. A repeat webinar will be offered February 12th if you can't make this one!

WHERE: Virtual - you will receive a link when you register. 

Teachers will receive a 1-hour professional development certificate from the University of Colorado Boulder and a $75 stipend for attending.

Register here today!

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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