It's All Connected
The Earth’s climate system is controlled by the interactions of 5 major components (spheres) including the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. What makes the Arctic climate system so unique is the sea ice (cryosphere), which influences the Arctic climate in many ways. For example, sea ice acts as a barrier, slowing the transfer of heat and moisture between the ocean (hydrosphere) and the overlying atmosphere. Currently, the Arctic is warming at a rate much faster than the rest of the world and scientists predict this warming will lead to an increase in the number and size of leads (large cracks in sea ice). Leads expose the ocean at the surface, creating a direct connection between the ocean and atmosphere, allowing the transfer of moisture between the ocean and atmosphere to occur more readily.
In this virtual workshop, we will review strategies for how to facilitate the It’s All Connected Data Puzzle in your middle and high school science classrooms. Participants will engage with the teaching materials (teacher guide, slide deck, student worksheet, and answer key) from both the teacher and student perspective and upon completion, be prepared to implement the Data Puzzle in their classroom.
Participants who complete and submit specified workshop tasks will receive a 3-hour PD certificate from the University of Colorado Boulder.