Webinar 4: CLEAN, NGSS, and 3-D Learning for Climate and Energy Education

This webinar demonstrates how the CLEAN collection of educational resources are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how CLEAN supports 3-dimensional learning. Learn how to search the CLEAN collection by NGSS climate and energy topics and at-a-glance standards tables. Presenter: Cheryl Manning, Earth Science Educator.

Oct 30, 2019 04:30 PM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Webinar 3: It's Us: Humans as Agents of Change within Earth's Climate System

Human impacts on the climate system are becoming increasingly evident, moving climate change from a topic that is abstract and faraway to one that is right before our eyes. It's our job to help students learn about our role in altering the climate, but it's important to do so in a way that's constructive and solutions-oriented. Educational materials from the CLEAN collection can help you navigate this essential topic. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Geologist and Science Writer.

Oct 23, 2019 04:00 PM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Webinar 2: Teaching About Climate and Energy with CLEAN

This webinar introduces the Climate and Energy Literacy Principles and how they are integrated with the CLEAN collection of climate and energy resources. These principles provide the foundation for understanding the science behind climate and energy concepts. Presenter: Karin Kirk, Science Writer.

Oct 15, 2019 04:00 PM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Webinar 1: Intro to CLEAN

This webinar offers a guided tour of the CLEAN portal. Learn about the CLEAN collection of almost 700 climate and energy educational resources and the range of other supporting materials to help you effectively and accurately teach about climate and energy topics. Presenter: Katie Boyd, CLEAN Program Manager.

Oct 7, 2019 04:30 PM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)

What Does the Future Hold?
A Collision of Impacts: The Water Energy Nexus
Doing More With Less: Water Conservation and New Supplies in Las Vegas
Science, Management, and Reality: The Story of the California Bay Delta
Understanding Water Quality Impacts: Boulder Creek Case Study
A Growing Controversy: Hydraulic Fracturing and Water Supplies
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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