Why Study Water in the West?

Water in the Western US

University of Colorado Boulder just launched a free, online course exploring water and climate in the western United States. The self-paced course, developed by Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation (CEEE) director Anne Gold and CIRES’ Western Water Assessment’s former managing director Eric Gordon, dives into questions including:

  • Why is there so much conflict over water in the American West? 

Water in the Western US Course Enrollment

This course combines an overview of the science behind water and climate in the Western United States with a survey of the major legal, political, and cultural issues focused on this precious resource.

Enroll in the course here: https://www.coursera.org/learn/water-united-states

Water in the Western US Course Enrollment

This course combines an overview of the science behind water and climate in the Western United States with a survey of the major legal, political, and cultural issues focused on this precious resource.

Enroll in the course here: https://www.coursera.org/learn/water-united-states

8th Annual STEM Research Symposium

We hope you’ll join us on September 17 on the Citrus College campus to celebrate the summer research and Bridge to the Geoscience groups, view their posters, and hear about the work they were immersed in this summer.

Contact Marianne Smith (marsmith@citruscollege.edu) with any questions.

Vocabulary of Hazards Teacher Guide
Colorado |
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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