Student Worksheet - Wind Farms of the Future
Slide Deck - Wind Farms of the Future
Teacher Guide - Wind Farms of the Future
Student Worksheet - Heatwaves, Air Conditioning, and Offshore Wind Energy
Slide Deck - Heatwaves, Air Conditioning, and Offshore Wind Energy
Teacher Guide - Heatwaves, Air Conditioning, and Offshore Wind Energy

GeoMag Challenge Kick Off

Individuals and classrooms are invited to join the GeoMag Data Challenge! Explore the power of citizen science, Earth's magnetic field, and data collection with us this fall with a series of lessons, videos, and webinars designed for middle and high school students. Complete the challenge to be entered in a raffle! Your data contributions will help scientists understand changes in Earth's magnetic field that will lead to improvements in navigation and help to protect our communication systems and electric grid from space weather.

Live from COP26 with Maxwell Boykoff and Gina Fiorile
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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