Keith Huckleby

Keith Huckleby


Mentors: Kristy Tiampo and Ryan Cassotto

Bio: Keith Huckleby is a Mississippi native graduating with an Associate degree in Physics. He will transfer to pursue his Bachelors of Physics at Colorado University of Boulder. His main fields of interest include Quantum mechanics (QM), and General Relativity (GR). Keith’s passion for science began when he was 5 years after seeing the moon through a telescope for the first time. It was not until his first year of middle school when he was introduced to the realm of physics and astronomy by a show titled “How the Universe Works”. Ever since then his passion and curiosity for physics inspired him to pursue a higher education and academic career in the field of physics. In his spare time Keith enjoys journaling about his ideas and research. He also enjoys hiking and learning new things which he has never heard of.

View Keith's elevator speech [Youtube]

View Keith's RECCS 2024 presentation [Youtube]

View Keith's poster [PDF]

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