
Shilpi Gupta

Shilpi Gupta


Shilpi Gupta is the Technical Lead & a Senior Software Engineer for NOAA's Science On a Sphere (SOS) at CIRES Education and Outreach. Her main role has been the implementation of new user-facing features & enhancements to the SOS Product Suite, working on both front & back-end development. She now also manages the SOS & SOS Explorer software development teams. Additionally, she has worked on two grants that explored the intersection of science & art to help amplify awareness & behavior change for pressing climate change issues. She has a BS in Computer Science, a BS in Art Studio and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky. Shilpi is also an artist with a focus in the visual arts, dance and music.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

Get involved and stay up-to-date with CIRES CEEE.

CEEE Contact
Phone: 303-492-5670
Fax: 303-735-3644


CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation
University of Colorado Boulder
488 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0449

CEEE Office Hours

8:00 am to 5:00 pm MT -- fall and spring semesters