The Vocabulary of Hazards

The Vocabulary of Hazards

This lesson uses a matching game to build students' understanding and familiarity with different terms used in the world of resiliency planning.

Context for Use

We suggest teaching this lesson to introduce the unit as it will benefit students in their understanding of natural hazards throughout the entire HEART Force Unit.

Colorado Mountains

Photo Credit: Colorado Resiliency Office, Department of Local Affairs

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

  • Students will understand the meaning of preparedness, mitigation, and resilience, and be able to distinguish between the terms.
  • Use patterns to evaluate different actions to address natural hazards and sort based on which definitions are the best fit for each action.

Teaching Materials

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Part 1 – Engage (10 minutes) Alien Invasion Warm-Up Activity

In small groups, students will create cartoons to illustrate preparedness, mitigation, and resilience in response to an alien invasion of their town or neighborhood.

Part 2 – Explore (15 minutes) Vocabulary Game

In the same small groups, students will categorize different actions into the appropriate terminology while playing a vocabulary game.

Part 3 – Explain (5 minutes) Vocabulary Review

As a class, review the meaning of each term.

Part 4 – Elaborate & Evaluate (10 minutes) Brainstorm

Students will individually create ideas of how to apply the concepts in their own community.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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