What Impact do Increasing Greenhouse Gases Have?

In this lesson, students utilize case studies to learn about the ways climate change is currently impacting people and other living things around the world.

Context for Use

This is the sixth and final lesson in the Climate Resiliency Education High School Climate Unit.

The carcasses of dead fish lie in a dry lake bed.

The carcasses of dead fish lie in a dry lake bed.

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

Students will learn how increased global temperatures are affecting humans and the environment and the actions humans are taking to mitigate these effects



  1. (5 minutes) Do Now: Reorient students to the storyline.
  2. (5 minutes) Initial Ideas Discussion: Generate ideas for today's lesson.
  3. (25-35 minutes) Text: In groups, students read and annotate one of the case study articles. 
  4. (10-15 minutes) Summarize: In groups, students summarize their case study article by creating a poster.
  5. (10-15 minutes) Gallery Walk: Share the information and obtain information from other groups through a gallery walk.
  6. (10-15 minutes) Building Understandings Discussion: Debrief on case studies.
  7. (5 minutes) Brainstorm: Generate ideas for next steps in the investigation.
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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