Why does the ice melt on the “Frozen Continent”?

Why does the ice melt on the “Frozen Continent”?

In this lesson, students investigate various factors that can lead to surface ice melt in Antarctica by pairing a scientific mindset with hands-on exploration of datasets.

Context for Use

This is the fourth lesson of a five-part curriculum about Antarctic physical environments and ecosystems. 

Blue Ice Area in East Antarctica

Blue ice area in front of the northernmost part of the Heimefrontfjella, East Antarctica.
Credit: N. B. Karlsson


Goals Header
What Students Will Do

  • Use a Climate Reanalyzer tool to compare melt areas in Antarctica with climatological variables.
  • Build, test, and confirm or refute hypotheses using the claim, evidence, reasoning framework for an argument

Teaching Materials

Student Handout: Why does the ice melt on the “Frozen Continent”?
Teacher Guide: Why does the ice melt on the “Frozen Continent”?
Why does the ice melt on the “Frozen Continent” Slide Deck


Part 1 –  (10 minutes) Introduction

The teacher introduces the lesson and the data which will be at the students’ disposal.

Part 2 –  (30 minutes) Research

Students break up into small groups to form and explore hypotheses about what causes melt in Antarctica with the available datasets.

Part 3 –  (20 minutes) Reporting Out

Student groups share whether they confirmed/disproved their hypotheses and why.


Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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