LOCC teacher training: a one-day workshop for teachers to learn about creative ways to learn and communicate about climate change.
The heart of the Harmonics project is the creation of three exemplary units that incorporate CLEAN resources with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGGSS).
The CIRES Education and Outreach staff will attend the annual CIRES Rendezvous.
The CIRES Rendezvous is a celebration of CIRES science for CIRES employees. It is not open to the public.
The Trout Bowl regional winners from Liberty Common High School, will attend the national Finals Competition in Corvallis, Oregon.
Teachers from Denver Public schools are participating in Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) storylining workshops to co-design middle and high school climate education units and a resiliency design challenge to engage students' understanding and action related to hum
Science is Culture: Understanding Power & Privilege in Community-based Research
Come join us for a lunchtime film screening!
CIRES Education and Outreach will host the 18th annual Trout Bowl. The Trout Bowl is one of 25 regional competitions of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, an academic competition for high school students.
Have you thought about a career in the sciences but are unsure what that might look like, or if it’s the path for you? Are you excited about trying out scientific research?
The CIRES Education and Outreach Group will have a booth at the Colorado Science Conference. Come visit us!