Design a Resilient Future

Design a Resilient Future

In this lesson, students will work in small groups to develop an idea to increase community resilience, utilizing Design Thinking. 

Context for Use

This lesson is part of the Community Resilience Expo, a culminating event for the HEART Force curriculum unit, where students will share what they’ve learned during the hazard lesson and the role-playing game.

There are several options to create a sequence of Expo lessons that works best for your classroom. Students can choose to communicate existing ideas that have been developed in local resilience planning efforts or to develop a new strategy or project.   

Potential preceding Expo lessons: 

student group work

student group work

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

Students will create a human-centered design solution for their community to increase community resilience.

Teaching Materials

User note: To make an editable copy of the teaching materials in Google Drive, select File > “Make a copy”. This will make a copy for you to save to your own drive and edit as you see fit.

Design a Resilient Future Lesson Materials
Design a Resilient Future Teacher Guide
Design a Resilient Future Slides
Design a Resilient Future Student Worksheet
Design a Resilient Future Student Worksheet Wildfire Example


Introduction (4-15 minutes) Design Process Overview

As a class, introduce the Design Process and give an overview of what students will be doing during the next class period(s).

Part 1 – Empathize & Research (8-40 minutes) Interview & Research

Students gather information through interviewing experts, community members, or each other.

Parts 2 & 3 – Define (6-15 minutes) Capture Findings & Take a Stand

Students define the problem they’d like to focus on.

Parts 4 & 5 – Ideate (15-30 minutes) Generate Solutions

Students develop ideas, brainstorm solutions, and gather feedback on their ideas.

Part 6 – Focus (3-15 minutes) Choose One Solution

Students narrow in on one idea and develop it further.

Parts 7 & 8 – Prototype and Test (15-60 minutes) Make the Idea Tangible

Students create a physical prototype or something their classmates can interact with and gather more feedback on their idea.

Part 9 – Iterate and Launch (15-60 minutes) Share Your Idea with the World

Students incorporate the final feedback and polish their ideas to present to the public.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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