Wildfire Resilience in Colorado StoryMap

Wildfire Resilience in Colorado StoryMap

Students interact with a wildfire StoryMap to explore the Colorado Resiliency Framework.

Context for Use

This lesson is part of the Community Resilience Expo, a culminating event for the HEART Force curriculum unit, where students will share what they’ve learned during the hazard lesson and the role-playing game.

There are several options to create a sequence of Expo lessons that works best for your classroom. Students can choose to communicate existing ideas that have been developed in local resilience planning efforts or to develop a new strategy or project.   

Potential Expo lessons to follow: 

Story Map Wildfire

Image from Wildfire Resilience in Colorado StoryMap lesson Credit: https://arcg.is/1eCWzO 

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

  • Students will understand the six different sectors the state of Colorado has used as a lens to plan for resilience.
  • Students will analyze spatial data to visualize some of the shocks and stresses experienced by each sector.

Teaching Materials

User note: To make an editable copy of the teaching materials in Google Drive, select File > “Make a copy”. This will make a copy for you to save to your own drive and edit as you see fit.


Students will interact with a StoryMap to explore the Resiliency Framework and learn more about the six sectors of the Resiliency Framework. Sectors are categories or lenses the state has used to divide up the Resiliency Framework and include: Community; Economic; Health and Social; Housing; Watersheds and Natural Resources; and Infrastructure.

Activity 1 – Engage (10 minutes) Warm-Up Planning Activity

Individually, students will brainstorm what they would need for a kit to prepare for a hazard in their community. They will share ideas and identity items or services that fit within each of the six sector categories.

Activity 2 – Explore (30 minutes) StoryMap Exploration

Individually, students will explore the StoryMap using handouts.

Activity 3 – Explain (10 minutes) Class Discussion

As a class, share out what was learned from the different sectors. Discuss the meaning of resilience, shocks, and stresses across the sectors.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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