Envisioning a Resilient Future

Envisioning a Resilient Future

In this lesson, students create a vision for the future of their community and identify what resources are most important to them as a starting point for resilience planning.

Context for Use

We suggest teaching this lesson to introduce the HEART Force Unit. 

Village scene childrens drawing

Photo credit: CDPHE

Goals Header
What Students Will Do

  • Students will create a vision for the future of their community. 

  • Students will understand the different sectors that make a community function and decide what resources are important to maintain and create.


Teaching Materials

User note: To make an editable copy of the teaching materials in Google Drive, select File > “Make a copy”. This will make a copy for you to save to your own drive and edit as you see fit.

Resilient Future Teacher Guide
Resilient Future Lesson Slides
Resilient Future Student Handout


In this lesson, students create a vision for the future of their community. Using the structure from the Colorado Resiliency Framework, students choose a sector to focus on and create a giant timeline to show ideas of what the future of the sector will look like. 

Activity 1 – Engage (10 minutes) What will learning look like in the future?

Individually, students do a short free write imagining what the future of school looks like.

Activity 2 – Explore (30 minutes) What does your ideal future look like?

Students will divide into groups of four to six people to represent different sectors of society, and create a vision for the future of the sector. All groups will contribute to a class timeline.

Activity 3 – Explain (10 minutes) Resilience and the Future Reflection 

Students will reflect on the importance of resilience for preserving our future.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

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