Students examine what the world’s temperature trend was in the past and whether temperatures have changed recently.
Context for Use
This is the fifth lesson in the Climate Resiliency Education Middle School Climate Unit.

A graph showing global temperature rising over time.
Goals Header
What Students Will Do
Goals Header
What Students Will Do
Students will better understand data trends.
Teaching Materials
Climate Resiliency MS5 - Teacher Guide
Climate Resiliency MS5 - Student Activity Sheet
Climate Resiliency MS5 - Student Activity Sheet Key
- (5 minutes) Do Now: Activate knowledge from the previous lesson.
- (5 minutes) Sharing Initial Ideas Discussion: Generate ideas for this lesson.
- (10 minutes) Video: Watch the Trends and Variations video and summarize or draw.
- (10 minutes) Data analysis: Analyze the graph and visualization of global temperatures.
- (20 minutes) Discussion: Discuss what they learned about global temperatures.
- (10 minutes) Text: Read Where is the data coming from? and summarize or draw.
- (10 minutes) Text: Read From the Industrial Revolution to Automobiles and discuss Notices and Wonderings.
- (5 minutes) Brainstorm: Generate ideas for next steps in the investigation.